Big Box - Attract Mode Volume Control

Issue #1977 resolved
Andrew Irving created an issue

The ability to adjust the volume to 'x' after 'y' amount of time in attract mode.

Example - after 1 minute in attract mode drop the volume to 10% (or mute)

I like to leave my cabinet in big box attract mode, but sometimes I forget to turn the volume down. If attract mode could do it automatically it would be awesome!


Comments (11)

  1. Willie Raymond Taylor III

    I second this. I like to run my cabinet during parties and social gatherings in case anyone fancies a game. But without the ability to have attract mode run silently, it's not feasible to leave running. The absence of this feature is one of the only things that keeps me using the "Attract Mode" frontend.

  2. Patrick Delage

    I would like also to see this. Another similar option, just to put in your head, cause i will create another Feature request, is to ability to dim the the screen. In the same manner, i like to keep my arcade running, but that room is also for listen music and movie. With a dim to 30% by example, would be great

  3. Niklos Salontay

    One potential solution here would be to make the existing option to mute navigation sounds apply to all sounds. I suspect there are more users who want a full mute, than those who want video sound but not navigation sounds.

  4. Josh Linder

    I really like this train of thought. I personally like the idea of being able to lower volume after a certain delay period as well as configure which sounds to play vs not. I personally like hearing scrolling navigation sounds only when actually playing. I dont care to constantly hear the scrolling sounds when its sitting idle.

  5. Matt Collins

    Also was just doing a LaunchBox forum search for this feature. Love the sounds/music during active engagement with my cab but want to leave it on in attract mode without the sound so I can watch tv.

  6. Jeff Kackley

    I would also love to see this feature. We have to put the arcade in sleep mode all the time so that it doesn’t distract from conversation which is really unfortunate.

  7. Kyle P

    Should be higher priority. Attract Mode makes it an acrade and not just an oversized console that gets turned on and off.

  8. Christian

    This feature was added in 12.7. In Big Box navigate to Options > Sounds and there is an Attract Mode Master Volume as well as Attract Mode Navigation Volume setting that can be set to change the volume of Big Box while in Attract Mode

  9. Jim Vanden Boom

    It looks like this thread is resolved however, I think that the time aspect of this request wasn’t addressed. I would like to reduce or shut off the sound on bigbox after a period of inactivity. I leave my system on attract mode all the time and it would be preferable to silence or reduce the volume after the system hasn’t been used for a specified period of time. Can that be added to the volume features @Christian mentioned?

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