Attract mode volume level not working in BigBox

Issue #5810 duplicate
Raphael P created an issue

There is an option in Bigbox allowing to setup the volume level for attract mode.

Expectation is that when Attract mode is starting, the volume should be adapted based on the configured volume level.

So Eg:

  • When using the controls, and manually browsing through the library, volume is setup to 100%
  • After XX seconds without touching the controls, Attract mode starts
  • Attract mode starts → Volume level changes based on the configured level (Eg: 5%)

In current state, Attract mode starts, but the sound keeps on playing at the same level.

Request is to get this fixed so we actually can configure a specific sound level when Attract mode is enabled.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    I may be misunderstanding. We are talking about the Attract Mode Navigation Sound Volume setting correct?

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