Use alternate names for scrapping with config priority/ group regional roms in one entry

Issue #2164 new
Psico Lock created an issue

Now we have alternate names on the database. It's time to make use of them, when search for info or scraping roms launchbox must find all the namings on database and asign one of them acording priority like we do with image data (prefer eur. naming, prefer us. etc) to sort it.

Maybe we could use all the naming only for detection and the regional ones for asignation acording priority. In the same way we add multiple discs games into one entry launchbox could detect various regional roms of the same game and group into one entry. Same way we have run disc 1 disc 2 we could run us version,jap version, etc.

Comments (2)

  1. Psico Lock reporter

    Any Roadmap for this? Now only have grouping with the same game. Many contributors moderators are changing or refusing complete titles in database because many romsets have incomplete or simplified naming. We need a full support of alternate naming in scrapping capability to assure that multiple regional versions of a game and various romsets are scrapped properly and match all the games an group them.

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