Show game screenshot when no video is available

Issue #4801 new
Dr F created an issue

When videos are shown in the Game Details panel, if a game doesn't have a video available, but a gameplay screenshot is found, it would be nice to have the option to show the screenshot where the video would be. Or better yet, a slideshow of all available screenshots.

I don't need to see screenshots for games with videos, but I need them if there is no video available.

Comments (6)

  1. Dr F reporter

    Yes you can show them down below the description, but if you have LB set to show videos as well as screenshots, the screenshots are often cut off, and it looks messy. So I would like to see the gameplay screenshot show above the description, where the video would be, if there is no video available.

    Or in BigBox too, where the video would normally be.

  2. RetroFrogg

    I see. Yes I would agree with you - but I would frame this as part of a wider request, as I have done elsewhere. I would like the game details pane to be improved, ideally to be able to

    • show all of the available media and manuals, not just the ones it does currently
    • order and arrange this media as you want
    • be more flexible in terms of the layout
    • be placed on a second monitor, allowing the full screen real estate to be used
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