Big Box: Option to hide platforms.

Issue #5233 duplicate
lexx created an issue

I would like to be able to hide platforms in Big Box.

Personally do I only use Big Box for Arcade and Console based systems, while using Computer based systems mainly from Launchbox.

It would also be helpful for themes that don’t support specific platforms.

If this was suggested before, please close/delete it.


Comments (2)

  1. Retro808

    It has been suggested a few times, but for now it is not on the list of things being worked on. I do believe it will be looked into.

    In the meantime what you can do is go into LB and go into a platform and select all games. Then right click and edit. Choose the option to “Hide” which will hide all games in the platform. The platform will still be visible in LB, but it BB it will not be. If you ever need to edit something in that platform’s game or want to add them back just choose to show all hidden games than select them all and unhide them.

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