Hide Platforms

Issue #3309 resolved
Ethan created an issue

Launchbox 7.10 Windows 10 x64

Feature Request: I have set up multiple Platforms and everything is working fine. I would like to have the abiilty to hide SOME Platforms from showing in Big Box / Launchbox and to have the ability to show them when I want.

Maybe also to have the option of showing in Launchbox but hidden in Big Box.

Comments (16)

  1. Kyle Telechan

    Sorry to dig this one up, but it’d be useful to have this feature to simplify collections of games that are technically the same “platform”, but use different emulators or versions of emulators. For example, people with a lot of Pinball games may have VP9, VPX, Future Pinball and they may want to keep the platforms separate in the Launchbox interface for simplicity in configuration, but might want to hide the three entries in the BigBox interface and create a single playlist with the three platforms to be shown instead. Something similar might be desired for Arcade games, where one might have Mame, Daphne, Naomi, etc.

    Outside of that, some platforms simply don’t play well on a cab, so rather than either create playlists for every platform, or hide every single game in a platform, you could hide platforms that don’t work as well with stick controls and “reveal” them as needed.

    I know you can technically bulk hide games, but that seems like an extreme solution to the problem when simply hiding a platform from BigBox could be an option. Especially considering some people with complete MAME collections are already using the hide functionality to temporarily get rid of mature games and likely don’t want to unhide them all when they want to get to a hidden platform.

  2. Mulavac

    Don’t be sorry. I agree with you. I posted a request about hiding platforms as well. If they get enough request they’ll listen. One of my examples was I want to create an arcade cabinet that only has Mortal Kombat games on it. As we know, the Mortal Kombat franchise spans across Arcade, multiple systems and decades. But I only need one playlist wheel!!! I don't need over a dozen platforms to show up. Regardless of anything, it needs to happen to justify Launchbox’s marketing:

    • If you're OCD like us, you're free to customize everything.
    • Live a life of gaming luxury. Feel like a kid again. and OCD all over your collection.

    They use the term OCD at least twice that I know of. And I got to say, having a Mortal-Kombat-only cabinet with allot of searching through platforms to find the right game messes with the OCD!!


  3. Christian

    @Muluvac you can simply load into All Games view and not have to deal with the platform wheel at all and hiding platforms wouldn’t fix ANYTHING in your scenario because these users are asking to hide all games in that platform as well which would remove the possibility to load those games in the first place.

  4. Rod Wilkins

    @Christian, be that as it may, I think the intended objective is not to simply dump everything into the ‘All Games’ view, so that there is still an organizational structure for managing the platforms. It would be more helpful to have a granular approach to selectively include/exclude what is visible on a per-platform level without eliminating the ability to properly organize them categorically behind the scenes. For example maybe they would like to simply hide all non-arcade Mortal Kombat games, it is more difficult to do this by simply using the All Games view without selecting the games to put there individually. Or maybe simply hiding arcade platform to see only console-based Mortal Kombat games, or perhaps only SNES and and Arcade, etc.

  5. Antonio Silveira

    I’d love to be able to easily, within BB, hide a platform, same way in which you can hide individual games. I know you can sort of do so in LB by hiding all the games for a platform but it’d be much easier to just do it in BB.

    When hiding a platform in BB, you would have to have an option to view hidden platforms so that you could unhide them just as easily

  6. Christian

    Ability to hide Platforms from Big Box was added in 13.1 Ability to remove Platforms from Platform Category was added in 12.15

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