Adding extra revisions of roms but don't add in Launchbox.

Issue #5577 closed
Just Kim created an issue

Launcbox doesn't add roms if there is already a version of the rom. For example, i renamed a second game revision that was V1.1 and the original was nothing changed and let LB search for missing roms, he detected them and removed the renamed V1.0 out of LB. When i scan for new ones he doesn't find them and says there arent to add. So by trying to add them manual adding roms and select to combine multiple versions to 1 rom its not adding them either. It seems that it is a bug because when i remove the whole game in LB and re-add the game and the new version 1.1 game it combines it and add it to LB but not if there is a game already loaded in Launchbox.

Comments (3)

  1. The T

    On one of the last Import pages, “Would you like to specify any custom options?”, check “Force importing duplicate games.”

  2. Just Kim reporter

    Yeah, i choose that option, but it doesn’t add the game. It just gave the message 0 roms added. I removed the whole game and added all revisions back in launchbox and then it works.

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