More customized BigBox System Menu.

Issue #5700 resolved
Marc created an issue

Please give us more freedom to customize BigBox System Menu in terms of show/ hide whatever we want.

I'm asking for this because of these reasons:

1- To prevent kids from messing with stuff. In case of "Search" and "Start Themes Demo" menus.

2- To save on vertical space and be able to use that space for other menus instead with minimum scrolling as possible. In case of moving the "About" menu to BigBox Options section (if it allowed of course!) and I ask with all respect and understanding about this specific menu.

3- For less cluttered, more clean and professional looking and useful BigBox System Menu to everyone's different taste/ machine/ screen resolution/ aspect ratio...etc...

Lastly, I hope any future feature will be added to the BigBox System Menu will have the option to show/ hide it Please. Thank you very much for reading.

Comments (12)

  1. Jake

    yeah, I really don't like it when this menu gets cluttered with new features that I (personally) don't use or care about like this new (start themes demo) feature.
    hope this request gets more attention from the developers when they add new features. just give us the ability to control (show or hide) these new features on bigbox in general.
    it will make everyone happy certainly. thanks for any considerations about my humble input for all future bigbox updates.

  2. Paul

    I second this. Please always include options to show and hide the new features on Bigbox
    Thanks for posting about this BTW.

  3. david

    i think you have a point with this. also, i think the developers should have included the themes demo under the attract mode with the same options as the attract mode to enable it automatically after sometime or disable it permanently in bigbox options menu. its current location and usability does not make sense to be honest.

  4. Marc reporter

    @Christian, Thank you very much for the awesome information good Sir!
    Can we have this ability to (Search) too? At least, please :)

  5. Nathan

    Was searching for an option to hide it too. Glad to read we'll have the option in next release. Hiding the other stuff like "Search" would be great as well "for me, to prevent my kids from reaching some games that are not appropriate for them".

  6. Christian

    Am a bit confused by the request to hide “Search” from the system menu. Shouldn’t be able to search for an item that isn’t already visible in Big Box. There is also a search at every platform/category level as well so I’m not sure how removing THAT one would really solve anything.

  7. Marc reporter

    Hello Mr. Christian,
    I only use playlists for my games collection. Thus my kids can't access other BigBox sections and they don't know how to search inside a playlist (using the keyboard up arrow) because it's not visible to them.
    Also, I don't want it to be removed. I just want the option to be hidden while BigBox is locked :)
    Thank you very much for all the help and support :)

  8. Nathan


    When I posted my comment I was thinking about this suggestion:

    I mean, if we can have this parental control feature in the future and we still can't hide the Search on the System Menu, the kids will still reach these playlists locked games using this Search (I'm speculating of course)
    This is why I thought this suggestion will go hand in hand with the parental control one I mentioned.
    In any way, an option to hide the Search will not hurt anyone I guess. Its place could be used for other stuff too (for those don't use it) as Marc mentioned in his suggestion.
    One of the Big Box strong points is customization anyway. So it's all good in the end.

  9. Christian

    As of 18-beta4 all options (with the exception of About) will be able to be hidden while Big Box is locked. At this time we have no desire to move or hide About as we feel it is important information to have on that page and always available to the user. Moving forward we will do our best to make sure new options have this setting when implemented.

  10. Marc reporter

    Thank you very much Mr. Christian!
    That's more than great for me!
    Greatly appreciated good Sir! :)

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