Feature request: Whitelist/Blacklist files and types per emulator/module. Option to intelligently hide/strip useless entries such as Bios, thumbs, hidden files.

Issue #5777 new
tastyratz created an issue

Some files that may be accidentally dragged in or imported through a folder very clearly don’t belong or are not playable. While yes, you can just search in windows select and drag in… that doesn’t lend you the same functionality.

What about the ability to filter or configure whitelists and blacklists?

Default blacklists can contain junk files nobody would realistically want or put in their xml’s such as bios files, thumbs, desktop.ini files, other hidden files, etc.

This is especially handy for platforms that are folder-based to be able to filter to folder only.

This could be an opt-in platform checkbox with a comma separated list.

Comments (2)

  1. tastyratz reporter

    Adding block list/ allow list in comment so it shows up in search since terminology has been migrating away from white/black to blocklist/allowlist.

    Hiding unplayable/not game files could be global or even per platform.

    If we index filenames similar to other metadata ala https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/6144/feature-request-search-function-extending

    That could mean automatic hiding for a platform while maintaining a pure game list per system.

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