Option to audit duplicate entries

Issue #651 new
Psico Lock created an issue

Include an option to find an select duplicate entries to check our collections and find the duplicates generated with database mistmatch because similar games and no entry on databases or the addition of multiple equal versions of the same game. In my case the usuall duplicates is because the real game is not on the launchbox database and the scrapper asigns a similar title present on the database. Could be useful to find missing games to include on the database. May be useful.

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    This would be great, I'd also love if LaunchBox would notify you if you're about to add duplicate games (like when you're importing a giant folder of roms), so you could match them or edit them before they get added to your collection and you have to bother tracking down which one is which, and removing metadata etc.

  2. Brad Cheyne

    If you're importing and LB see's it as a Duplicate, it won't add the game. So if the folder name and file name are the same as a game already imported it won't re-import it.

    Edit: Unless you check the force duplicates box.

  3. Psico Lock reporter

    I'm refering to name duplicated entries. Brad Cheyne clarify this. Launchbox don't add duplicates. It's a failure with the scrapper that asigns other names when the game is not present on the database or mismatch. When a game is not present on the database, it has all the tickets to be registered with a mistaken database entry with similar name.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Well yes and no. Yes it won't add the same actual file twice, but no, it will still add a game to your library with the same "Name" as pulled from the LaunchBox GamesDB or Wikipedia, so duplicate entries can and do happen if a game isn't in the database, but something similar is. This has happened many times. You could have a romset with several versions of a rom, and then Launchbox will pair those up to the same game, and you'll have several entries. Or a semi-obscure game won't be in the database, but the sequel will. That's my point. If there was a way for Launchbox to alert me before adding a game with the same "Display Name", and let me choose to either override the metadata, or rename it, or not add it, it'd save a lot of hassle.

    Edit: What Oscar said, basically.

  5. Brad Cheyne

    Yea, the scraper isn't perfect, by design it can't be because there is no standard. It will sometimes assign a name to a game that it shouldn't, even if that game never existed on the Database. The same logic would need to be used on an audit system though, and be just as flawed or it would take considerable efforts to try and make it any decent. However, it would still be using the same basic logic that the scraper does. We can't even use the condition "Game name in LB needs to match the game file exactly" because game files can be wildly different then what they end up becoming.

    The easiest solution right now in LaunchBox is the Game Details side pane. If you're looking at roms then the file name will be in the Details bar if you don't have that hidden.

    In this way an Audit system may not necessarily be any help. We do have plans for an audit system to detect if there are games in your games folder that aren't added in LaunchBox or games that are in LaunchBox that are no longer in that systems game folder. At least, this is what we will ideally want in the end.

    Trying to match names against the database, LaunchBox names then file names to figure out duplicates will suffer the same issues we currently have with trying to initially match games up with the database.

  6. Brad Cheyne

    Ah ok, I see what you mean Michael. So more of multiple versions. There are things we can try and do to parse out file names like try and look for "(1.1)" or things like that, but it's still going to suffer from being inaccurate. Again like I said in my previous response, there is no standard so anything we come up with will still be flawed.

  7. Jason Carr repo owner

    The main focus for version 6.0 (up next after 5.9) will be full integration with the LaunchBox Games Database, including contributions, etc. from within LaunchBox. I expect duplication will be improved as part of this implementation.

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