Custom Platform Names not hooked up correctly

Issue #7390 new
Paul (LB) created an issue

Hi all,

This has cropped up before, was resolved, and is evident again now (and has been for the past few releases too.) Basically if I create a custom platform, e.g. Sega Mega CD, and I set it to scrape as Sega CD….this ‘scrape as' setting is lost on the next import, and games imported under Sega Mega CD will have no associated platform. See images for example

Here’s the previous thread where I reported it over a year ago, it was fixed, and has been broken again since February (I did try bump this old thread, but there was no response) -

Comments (10)

  1. brian

    Can you lay out, in better detail and from the beginning, the steps you take to recreate the issue?

    Every attempt at recreating the issue has failed and has always yielded the correct scrape as value.

    No detail is too small.

  2. Paul (LB) reporter

    Hi Brian,

    So I have a platform called Sega Mega-CD, which is a custom named platform, with the default platform for Sega CD content being Sega CD. My custom Mega-CD platform is naturally set to scrape as Sega CD.

    When I import a new Sega CD game under my custom named Sega Mega-CD platform, the importer should recognise that games for this platform should import and scrape as the Sega CD (see image above.) This is how it’s meant to work, and has done so for years. However, now, and since Feb 2022, despite the issue previously being fixed (see my link in the opening post), this is not happening. Instead, when I import a new Sega CD game under my custom named Mega-CD platform, Launchbox is ignoring the fact that I’m importing from a custom platform name, and is instead recognising a Sega CD game, and trying to import it under the default Sega CD platform name, which is NOT what my platform is called. From there, because I don’t have a Sega CD platform, Launchbox doesn’t know what Emulator is assigned to those games, and so on import, I’ve to continually tell Launchbox that the platform is NOT called Sega CD, and is called Mega-CD instead (see images 1-5 in opening post.) Once I tell Launchbox that the game I’m importing is for the Mega-CD, the importer then knows what to do and assigns the correct emulator, and is able to scrape metadata normally etc.

  3. brian

    While we understand what the issue is, what we will need from you is the exact steps, from the beginning, that would allow us to recreate the issue. Every attempt we’ve made has always yielded the correct scrape-as value.

    Start with how you initially imported the games, all the way to when the scrape-as value disappears from your platform metadata.

  4. Paul (LB) reporter

    Hi Brian,

    Ok from the very beginning…

    1. I’ll drag a new Sega CD rom file (CHD in this case, but it happens with other custom named platforms too) into Launchbox, specifically into the Sega Mega-CD platform window.
    2. The import games wizard opens, asking me what type of game files I’m importing - I choose Rom Files
    3. The Wizard fails to recognise that Sega Mega-CD is the platform, and overrides this with Sega CD (see picture 1.jpg in my opening post here).
    4. Clicking next asks me to choose an emulator for Sega CD, but because I don’t have a Sega CD platform, Launchbox doesn’t know what emulator to assign (see picture 2.jpg in my opening post)
    5. I therefore have to click back, and manually change the platform from Sega CD to my own Sega Mega-CD (see picture 3.jpg and 4.jpg in my opening post)
    6. From there, Launchbox does know that I’ve chosen Retroarch to be my emulator for this platform (see picture 5.jpg in my opening post)

    This happens on any custom named platform in my library. If I look at the Manage Platform section, and view Sega Mega-CD…it’s correctly set to scrape as Sega CD (see embedded image in my second post)…but this hookup seems to be being ignored on import, and I’ve to manually change the platform every time to the custom named one (and not the one suggested by Launchbox.)

  5. Christian

    What is the folder path you are importing the game for? LaunchBox tries to use the folder path to guess what system your ROM is for in the import wizard and if it finds the name of one of the built-in platforms will set the import platform to that by default. It sounds like that is what you are potentially running into.

  6. Paul (LB) reporter

    Hi Christian,

    Unfortunately that’s not the answer (that’d be too simple lol). My folder path is named what my platform is named (Sega Mega-CD). See pic

  7. brian

    Based on your steps I am unable to recreate what you are seeing.

    Do know that when adding games to a platform through the drag/drop wizard, LaunchBox will attempt to fill in the information of the platform you are currently selecting. So, the only time you would ever see those fields auto-populate is if you have specifically selected your Sega Mega-CD platform before dragging and dropping the game into LaunchBox.

  8. Paul (LB) reporter

    Indeed, I do have the Mega-CD platform selected before dragging games in, yet Launchbox insists on proceeding with Sega CD (a non existant platform in my library), so I've to continually manually tell the importer the correct platform, despite it being the active platform at the time.

    It's exactly the same affect as when I reported it previously, which was able to be recreated and fixed, but seems broken again (see link in my opening post)

  9. brian

    Because I was able to go through the steps, but am seeing the correct results and not what you are seeing, my guess is that it points to something with your Data files. You may want to make sure you don’t have any unintended files within your LaunchBox\Data\Platforms folder. Maybe you can post screenshots of your Data folder, along with all sub folders.

  10. Paul (LB) reporter

    Hi Brian,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I’m embedding an image of my Platforms folder, and there are no sub-folders within. Nothing seems erroneous to my eye anyway…

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