Xbox Integration error due to a Microsoft Change

Issue #8247 resolved
MTDrone created an issue

Not sure why this is happening, it doesn’t stop LaunchBox from working but it endlessly scans for storefront libraries until I close the error screen.

Comments (104)

  1. Retro808

    Issue #8248 was marked as a duplicate of this issue.

    EDIT: LB version 13.9 corrects this issue.

    A new beta should be dropping soon with a fix. In the mean time users can do the following as a workaround:

    With LaunchBox closed:
    Navigate to the folder you installed LaunchBox in.
    Go to the Data folder inside of this folder
    Open the Settings.xml file
    Look for "EnableAutomatedImports" tag.  (It should be around line 54 - may not be exact depending in your build)
    If it is Set to "true" change it to false
    Save and close the file
    Reopen LaunchBox

  2. Retro808

    For a temporary solution please try the following:

    With LaunchBox closed:
    Navigate to the folder you installed LaunchBox in.
    Go to the Data folder inside of this folder
    Open the Settings.xml file
    Look for "EnableAutomatedImports" tag.  (It should be around line 54 - may not be exact depending in your build)
    If it is Set to "true" change it to “false”
    Save and close the file
    Reopen LaunchBox

  3. brian

    Looks like Microsoft changed something on their end, which breaks our integration piece for Xbox games. We’ll look into it and hopefully solve it for the next beta. A temporary solution could be to go into the Manage Storefronts window and change the Xbox dropdown to None.

  4. David Powell

    This fix worked for me, no need to disable auto imports completely:

    Looks like Microsoft changed something on their end, which breaks our integration piece for Xbox games. We’ll look into it and hopefully solve it for the next beta. A temporary solution could be to go into the Manage Storefronts window and change the Xbox dropdown to None.

  5. brian

    For anyone experiencing this issue, this has been solved as of 13.9 beta 3, which can be downloaded by upgrading to beta builds. We are currently targeting the official release of 13.9 sometime next week.

  6. dan smith

    hey brian can you check GoG as well? when I enter my profile name it errors, I did the fix of xbox games to make sure it wasnt the Xbox games do in it, when turning off the xbox games, and steam show all it was fine until I did GOG

    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    App:     LaunchBox
    Version: 13.8
    Theme:   Default
    Type:    System.NullReferenceException
    Site:    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Processes.AutoImportGame] ScanForGames(Boolean ByRef)
    Source:  LaunchBox
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.Processes.Scanning.ScanForGames(Boolean& hasExpiredCredentials)
       at PolicyResolver.CalculateFailureDescriptor(Boolean& hasExpiredCredentials, PolicyResolver )
       at Unbroken.Queues.RefFacadeQueue.GetDistributedModel()
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.UpdateAbstractBridge(Object )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.CalculateLiteralAdapter()
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    Recent Log:
       6:00:32 PM Exception

  7. brian

    Hi dan, The error still indicates you are on 13.8. Update to the latest beta and let us know if you are still experience this error.

  8. Ben Bordiss

    FYI, the suggested fix at the top didn’t work for me. The other fix suggested halfway down this page didn’t work either. When will the beta be distributed

  9. dan smith

    hey brian yes I am still getting the error on 13.9-beta-5

    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    App:     LaunchBox
    Version: 13.9-beta-5
    Theme:   Default
    Type:    System.NullReferenceException
    Site:    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Processes.AutoImportGame] ScanForGames(Boolean ByRef)
    Source:  LaunchBox
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.Processes.Scanning.ScanForGames(Boolean& hasExpiredCredentials)
       at ParamsValue.GetInterfaceInterpreter(Boolean& hasExpiredCredentials, ParamsValue )
       at Unbroken.Mappers.ComposerDecoratorMapper.SelectInvalidEvent()
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.PopAbstractTests(Object )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.InstantiateAdvisableCode()
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    Recent Log:
       9:37:08 PM Exception 

  10. Retro808

    @Ben Baldwin The beta was released on 12/5. You need to be sure in your Updates setting in LB you have opted in for betas to get it.

  11. J W (JaypegQ)

    Just FYI the following fix doesn’t solve the problem (the flag is already set to false): “Look for "EnableAutomatedImports" tag.  (It should be around line 54 - may not be exact depending in your build)
    If it is Set to "true" change it to false”

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