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UPDATE (18/05/2023). This project is no longer maintained->CLOSED. Issue tracking has been closed as well. Thanks to developers contributing since the UE project SOFIA (2009-2011) where OSGi was the basis for a modular approach and semantic technologies allowed to abstract the internals of IoT devices to a common language, travelling around regional public and private projects where auto-generation of clients, SDK tools and more device connectivity was added, and ending in another UE project ENACT(2018-2021) focused on securing the IoT in different layers (application level, policies, etc.) and the SMOOL server was really put into production mode with continuous usage and exposed to real attacks from the Internet.

SMOOL - Smartify the world

Smool - Smart Tool, aims to close the gap between the physical world and the virtual world by providing a set of tools that will make the creation of "Smart Spaces" a snap. A very easy and intuitive editor will allow non-techie users to interconnect devices, sensors and actuators.

Some example videos can be played at the IoT team channel in youtube.

Powerpoints, papers and other useful presentations are available in google drive.

Quick start guide

There are three profiles of users wanting to use SMOOL.

  • Device Developers: This is the most common profile. People wanting to use SMOOL as an environment for creating Smart Spaces and connect sensors and actuators.

  • Server Developers and Open Source Contributors. People wanting to add new features like new communication gateways or adding KP features to other programming languages (Java, C++ and Android already done!).

  • Integrators: People wanting to set up a production-ready environment with real devices and stable server.

Device Developers: SMOOL installation and usage

This guide will drive you through the installation of the SMOOL SDK and the creation of KP - Knowledge Processors (Consumers/producers of information)

In brief: install SMOOL updatesite on Eclipse and create new KPs (clients) by using SMOOL wizards. Start SMOOL servers directly in Eclipse from the SMOOL Perspective.

Server Developers and Contributors: SMOOL installation and usage

This section provides guidance for those wanting to improve SMOOL code as well as for those wanting to further develop on top of SMOOL their own Smart Middleware.

SMOOL comes with a pre-defined ontology addressing most types of sensors and actuators. But we know there are as many ontologies in IoT as companies working in the different standardisation bodies. Until this is solved we provide the guide to update the ontology within SMOOL based on your needs.

The ontology is the brain in SMOOL. It is used for the KP generation wizard as well as for the seamless connectivity of the sensors and actuators. So if you wish to update the ontology please follow the next steps to ensure everything will work properly with your new defined ontology.

Integrators: SMOOL installation and usage

Instead of using Eclipse, the SMOOL environment is a set of OSGi bundles in a folder (no GUI is required). The clients-KPs are also standalone applications.
