Remove the "sons" aspect feature

Issue #149 resolved
Jesper Öqvist created an issue

It is currently possible to write sons declarations in aspect files. From looking at the parser it seems like the declarations are similar to the child part of an AST declaration:

sons [A:B] A* C D:E;

The difference is that sons can be declared in an aspect, inside an interface declaration:

aspect Test {
    public interface I {
        sons X:A Y:A Z:A;

This is an untested and undocumented feature. I propose that we remove it, by first making it deprecated then removing in the next non-backward compatible release.

Comments (5)

  1. Jesper Öqvist reporter
    • edited description

    Fixed error in description: sons declarations are only allowed in interface declarations!

  2. Jesper Öqvist reporter

    Since the sons declaration adds components only to interface declarations, I am unsure if they actually add anything in the code generation. This might be a dead feature.

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