Interfaces inside classes are handled incorrectly

Issue #185 resolved
Jon Sten created an issue

Seems like if I define a interface inside a class declaration a empty java file will be produced among the compiled files. Example:

aspect A{
    public class A {
        public interface B {
            public boolean a();

This will produce two java files, and contains as expected the class A, with the internal interface B (containing the method a()). is also produced for some reason and only contain an empty interface declaration for B.

Comments (1)

  1. Jesper Öqvist

    Fixed nested interface weaving

    Nested interfaces are no longer added as top-level types.

    Regression tests: * weaving/nested_interface_01p * weaving/nested_interface_02f

    fixes issue #185 (bitbucket)

    → <<cset 6f17606d3cb5>>

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