Inherited attribute declarations not found for List or Opt

Issue #188 resolved
Jesper Öqvist created an issue

When an inherited attribute is declared on List or Opt, JastAdd does not find the declaration and prints a stack trace:

X ::= X*;
Y: X;

aspect Test {
        inh boolean List.childOfY();
        eq X.getChild().childOfY() = false;
        eq Y.getChild().childOfY() = true;

[junit] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: tests/inh/lookup_decl_01p/Test.jrag:3 could not find decl for AttrEq childOfY in X
[junit]     at org.jastadd.ast.AST.AttrEq.type(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.ast.AST.TypeDecl.inhEqMap_compute(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.ast.AST.TypeDecl.inhEqMap(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.ast.AST.Grammar.inhEqMap_compute(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.ast.AST.Grammar.inhEqMap(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.ast.AST.ASTDecl.emitInhEqSignatures(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.ast.AST.ASTDecl.jastAddAttributes(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.ast.AST.ASTDecl.jastAddGen(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.ast.AST.Grammar.jastAddGen(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.JastAdd.compile(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.JastAdd.compile(Unknown Source)
[junit]     at org.jastadd.JastAdd.main(Unknown Source)

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