Repeated error message for multiple production error

Issue #255 resolved
Jesper Öqvist created an issue

JastAdd 2.2.0

JastAdd reports a multiple production error twice for the test diganostics/multiple_production_01f in the test suite.

The test code (Test.ast):


The error messages reported by JastAdd:

Error: multiple production rule for non-terminal A
Error at tests/diagnostics/multiple_production_01f/Test.ast:2: multiple production rule for non-terminal A
Error: multiple production rule for non-terminal A
Error at tests/diagnostics/multiple_production_01f/Test.ast:2: multiple production rule for non-terminal A

This issue can be fixed by bootstrapping JastAdd with JastAdd 2.2.0 since the issue is caused by a problem in the way collection attributes were evaluated causing multiple contributions from the same node.

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