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jastemf-plugins / Installation

JastEMF Requirements

JastEMF requires the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) for Ecore metamodel handling and openArchitectureware (JastEMF < 0.2.0) to execute integration artefacts generating templates. The easiest way to satisfy all requirements of JastEMF is to deploy it as plugin in a (freshly installed) Eclipse (Version >= 4.1) modelling distribution.

JastEMF (<= 0.1.7) requires:

JastEMF (>= 0.2.0) requires:

  • Apache Ant 1.9 or higher
  • Eclipse 4.4 or higher with EMF

Installing JastEMF from Update-Site (recommended)

JastEMF provides different Update Sites:

JastEMF 0.1.7 for Eclipse Juno

JastEMF 0.1.6 for Eclipse Indigo

JastEMF Trunk Version (>=0.2.0)

Installing JastEMF Manually (not recommended)

We highly recommend to use the Eclipse Update Site. To install JastEMF manually:

  1. Download, install and configure an Eclipse distribibution
  2. Download the most recent org.jastemf plugin JAR from our download section and move it to the eclipse dropins directory (DIR/dropins).
  3. Optionally download the most recent org.jastemf.converter plugin JAR from our download section and move it to DIR/dropins.
  4. Run Eclipse and select an arbitrary workspace. Check if all JastEMF ANT tasks have been properly registered to Eclipse by investigating Preferences => Ant => Runtime => Tab Tasks. You should find the jastemf task and, if you installed the converter, the jastemf.ecore2ast and jastemf.ecore2jrag tasks.

Quickstart with the SIPLE Example

A good starting point for learning how to use JastEMF is to investigate the SIPLE example (Simple Imperative Programming Language Example). To build and run it you first need to install JastEMF as described above. Afterwards, SIPLE can be imported to an Eclipse workspace from the examples directory repository at "jastemf-examples/siple". For further instructions consult the example web page.


If you cannot find the Ant tasks, make sure you installed the correct Eclipse version and distribution and that you do not have an out-dated or multiple Ant version(s) installed. If everything seems right, try starting Eclipse with the -clean commandline option. If this still does not work, please report us your issue with detailed information.
