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javarosa / CreatingProjects

To create a new project in Bitbucket

Problem: creating a project in Eclipse doesn't put the project in a repository, so...

  1. Create new project in Eclipse
  2. Delete project from Eclipse, without deleting the code
  3. At the operating system level, move the project folder up to appropriate repository folder
  4. Import the project (General -> existing project into workspace) back into eclipse
    1. Note! Make sure not to copy the project into the workspace (make sure the "Copy projects into workspace" option is not checked)
  5. From Eclipse, right-click on the imported project and select Team -> Share project
  6. Choose MercurialEclipse on the following screen
  7. Press the button that says Use Existing .hg directory and click Finish
  8. Commit and push the code as normal

Once you have pushed up the new project, collaborators who want it need to update their repository and import the new project into their eclipse workspace:

  1. Open Eclipse and right-click on any other projects in the affected repository and choose Team -> Pull... to get the changes
  2. Select File -> Import... and choose the General -> Existing projects into workspace
  3. Navigate to the new project and import it.
    1. Note! Make sure not to copy the project into the workspace (make sure the "Copy projects into workspace" option is not checked) Seneca Perri
  4. From Eclipse, right-click on the imported project and select Team -> Share project (Even though it's already in a repository, MercurialEclipse doesn't know about it yet)
  5. Choose MercurialEclipse on the following screen
  6. Press the button that says Use Existing .hg directory and click Finish
  7. MercurialEclipse will link the Eclipse project to the .hg repository and start managing it.
