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javarosa / JavaRosa-XForm-Tester


What is the JavaRosa-Form-Tester?

The JavaRosa Form Tester makes it easy to quickly test out an XForm in javarosa to see what it would look like with the chatterbox interface. This can be useful when developing an XForm or for viewing

System Requirements

The form tester only works on windows. It has been tested with XP SP3 only. To use the form tester, you must have the Sun wireless toolkit installed and a java runtime on your system (only tested with 1.6, but should work with 1.4.2+ I think).


To install, follow the steps below:

1. Install the [ Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC v 2.5.2]. It is recommended to install to the default location of C:\WTK2.5.2 to make things easier (especially if you decide to do JavaRosa development later), but it doesn't matter.

1. Download the two JAR files attached to this page: JavaRosaFormTest.jar and javarosa-xform-tester-gui.jar

1. Create a directory and put the two JAR files inside. For example, you might right click on the desktop and choose "New -> Folder".


To use the XForm-Tester:

1. Right click on the javarosa-xform-tester-gui.jar file and choose "Open with -> Java(TM) Platform SE Binary". You should see the following screen:

Image(Picture 6.png)

1. You now need to fill in the appropriate directory for the WTK. If you make a mistake, you will see a screen like the one below. All of the error messages will be displayed in the status section in red.

Image(Picture 2.png)

1. Next, you need to fill in the directory for the JavaRosaFormTest.jar. Alternatively, you can browse and select the jar as is shown below. NOTE: The JAR MUST be named JavaRosaFormTest.jar

Image(Picture 1.png)

1. The next step is to select the XForm that you want to display. Once selected, it will be displayed in the "Form to test" section, as shown below:

Image(Picture 3.png) Image(Picture 4.png)

1. Finally, press the "Test Form" button. The button will disable while the application works and will eventually launch the emulator. If you have any errors, the status window should show them

Image(Picture 5.png)

Good luck and let me know how it goes. Eventually we can automatically build the JavaRosaFormTest.jar to ensure that we are using the latest version of javarosa.
