
Clone wiki

javarosa / TrainingForm8

<h:html xmlns=""
		<h:title>Demo Form</h:title>

				<!-- the XML inside here is what gets filled out and submitted when you complete the form -->
					<name />
					<city>DAR ES SALAAM</city>
					<sex />
					<pregnant />
					<age />
					<grad_date />
					<interests />
					<music_type />
					<certifications />

			<!-- binds allow us to add properties to the questions, like data types, skip logic, etc.-->
			<bind nodeset="name" required="true()" /> 
			<bind nodeset="pregnant" relevant="../sex='f'" />
			<bind nodeset="age" type="int" constraint=". &lt; 120" jr:constraintMsg="Age cannot be above 120!" />
			<bind nodeset="grad_date" type="date" constraint=". &gt; today()" jr:constraintMsg="Graduation day must be in the future!" />
			<bind nodeset="music_type" relevant="selected(../interests, 'music')" />
			<bind nodeset="tupac" relevant="selected(../interests, 'music')" />
			<bind nodeset="certifications" constraint="not(selected(., 'unknown') and count-selected(.) &gt; 1)" jr:constraintMsg="'Don't know' can't be chosen in combination with other certifications" />

		<!-- This is where we define the questions that the user will fill out -->
		<input ref="name">
			<label>What is your name?</label>

		<input ref="city">
			<label>What city do you live in?</label>
		<select1 ref="sex">
			<label>Are you male or female?</label>
		<select1 ref="pregnant">
			<label>Are you pregnant?</label>
		<input ref="age">
			<label>How old are you?</label>

		<input ref="grad_date">
			<label>When will you graduate?</label>
		<select ref="interests">
			<label>What are your interests?</label>

				<label>Eating Ugali</label>
				<label>Watching TV</label>
				<label>Making XForms</label>
		<select ref="music_type">
			<label>What type of music do you like?</label>

				<label>Bongo flava</label>
				<label>Michael Bolton</label>
				<label>Michael Jackson</label>

		<select1 ref="tupac">
			<label>Do you also like Tupac?</label>
		<select ref="certifications">
			<label>What are your certifications?</label>

				<label>XForm Fundi</label>
				<label>Don't know</label>
