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javarosa / palmOSEmulator

Setting up the Palm OS Simulator

This is a guide to setting up the Palm OS simulator for the !JavaRosa project.

These instructions assume that you have successfully checked out the code base and can deploy the application on the generic emulator.


You will need two primary downloads to get the application running on the Palm simulator.

The first of these is the IBM !WebSphere JVM. You can download it from the [ Palm Developer Network] website. Registration is required but is free.

The second of these is the Palm OS Simulator with a version number lower than 5.4. You can get the 5.1 Version here



After unzipping both of the files, you'll need to add some libraries to your JAVA_HOME directory. Inside the unzipped JVM, go to Tools\lib and copy all of the files inside of that directory into your JAVA_HOME\lib directory.

Emulator Files for the JVM

Inside the JVM directory, there is a set of PRC files that you need for the simulator. Copy all of the files except for J9JavaVMMidp20.dll from JVM\Simulator to a new folder called "!AutoLoad" inside the Simulator directory. Copy the J9JavaVMMidp20.dll file into the Simulator directory.

Project Settings

The ANT build system needs to be directed to the Palm Simulator. The following changes should be made: In the file, set the palm.weme.home and palm.simulator.home variables to reflect the location of the JVM and simulator. For example,

Program Files
PalmOS JVM 5.7.2 palm.simulator.home=C:
Program Files

Finally, the Polish device.identifier should be set to Palm/TungstenC
