
Clone wiki

purity / MaximumTaxaDiversity


MaximumTaxaDiversity identifies a subset of samples that will try to maximize heterozygosity of a marker set. Useful for selecting samples for marker validation to increase representation of heterozygous genotype calls.

Jar path: to be added

Usage: <No. of target markers> <Population size> <Min. heterozygous frequency> <Input HapMap file> <Output text file>

Parameters Description
Number of target markers (integer) number of markers to select
Popoulation size (integer) number of solutions to consider at a time (better results when higher but uses more RAM)
Minimum heterozygous frequency (decimal, 0 to 1) minimum proportion of heterozygous samples for each marker. Higher value will result to higher likelihood of heterozygous calls.
Input hmp.txt (file) hapmap file where to pick markers from
Output file (file) output file, e.g. out.txt
Results and outputs Description
Score number of markers that passes (>=) the indicated minimum heterozygous percentage threshold
Text file contains some information on the selected markers
Hapmap file subset of the input hapmap file containing the selected markers only
