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BetterBGG Beta

Making just a little more awesome.

I am turning this userscript into the BETA stream for the new Chrome and Firefox extensions!

Download the Chrome extension here:

The Firefox extension is on its way, don't you worry. This is my browser.

Installing BetterBGG Beta

If you want to participate in the beta, you'll need to follow the steps below. If you simply want to use the released version, see the extension download links above.

This is a GreaseMonkey script for, you will require either GreaseMonkey for Firefox, or TamperMonkey for Chrome.

After you have installed the extension for your browser of choice, click here to install BetterBGG.


Suggested Player Counts at a glance

After visiting a game for the first time, the suggested players counts will show on all lists (Collection, Top X, Search results, etc), allowing you to see which games play well with how many players at a glance. A shortcut to the results of the suggested player count poll is also injected alongside the poll. The results are more important, right?

Copy Plays

Have a friend that records every last play? Copy his hard work with a single click. On the detailed view of a play, there is now a "Copy Play" button at the bottom. When clicked, the play will be copied to your own plays.

Standard Deviation at a glance

The Standard Deviation (SD) of a game's rating is now listed beside its rating on a game's detail page and when a game you've visited shows up in a list (collection, search, top X).

Show other games Designer has designed

When you visit a game's page, each designer will have a list other games they've worked on (provided that you've looked at the other games before).

How does this work?

BetterBGG caches information whenever you visit a game's detail page, then it can recall this data at opportune moments.

Downloads of v4.2: 164
