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responsive-base / documentation / filestructure

File structure

File structure

Folder core/ contains files that are handled by Grunt. The output from those files will end up in folder stage/ and pushed to the server.

NOTE: Grey paths (core/package, .ftpconfig.js & .ftppass) in the illustration above are in .gitignore and will not be pushed to repo.


core/modules/ Modules are a simple folder structure that will be included in base-responsive.css & base-responsive-modules.js. Enable plugins in modules/package.json by adding the foldername to array active. Read more about modules.

core/package/ Folder for holding .zip files created by grunt package. These .zip files are used to restore an entire design using Jetshop Admin. Content of this folder are not tracked by Git.

core/pages/ Folder for all template files. These files need to be uploaded manually into Admin > Appearance since the API-parsing of templates are broken.

core/scss/ Main folder for all SCSS. Adjust includes in base-responsive.css, adjust settings in _base_settings.csss. Read more about SCSS.

core/scss/foundation/ Folder for all modules provided by Foundation. Add your Foundation modules here.

core/scss/base-responsive/ Folder for all Jetshop-specific SCSS.

core/views/ Folder for generic Handlebar views. This folder will contain prepared partials and views for common tasks, use these templates as a base for creating your own views. Read more about views.


material/ Please add all relevant design material per customer in this folder. Example: vector-logos, images, Photoshop-files, design-guides, documentation etc.


stage/css/ Folder for all CSS files, both static and generated. Note: stage/css/support.css are excluded by build process. This file is for Jetshop Support

stage/css/fonts/ Folder for all font-files. As of October 2015 there is a bug preventing handling of deep folder structures, so files in this folder need to be updated manually using FTP.

stage/images/ Main folder for all images. This folder will be cleaned up in the future, right now there are many unused files here.

stage/images/custom/ Folder for custom images. The use of this folder need to be debated.

stage/images/responsive-base/ Folder for all graphics used by framework.

stage/scripts/ Folder for all JS and script files. client.js need to renamed to clientname.js


tools/ Folder for tools & maintenance-scripts that are outside of the project scoop.

tools/node Node-server with modules-listing as well as debugging & troubleshooting tools. This utility is new and are being prepared for future use.

tools/tests Selenium tests are stored here. Use grunt create-tests to create an updated version of test-suite-full.htm

tools/utils Build proccess-scripts are stored here.

Build process

.grunt Folder used by ftp-push as a cache to store meta-data with modification dates. Delete this folder to remove FTP-cache.

node_modules NPM-modules specified in package.json and their dependencies are stored here.


.ftpconfig.js Text-file containing an object with FTP username & password used by Gulp. This file is secret and may never be commited to repo! Copy file .ftpconfig.js.sample and update credentials received by Jetshop Support.

.ftpconfig.js.sample Template used for .ftpconfig.js.

.ftppass Text-file containing an object with FTP username & password used by Grunt. This file is secret and may never be commited to repo! Developer must create this file according to setup instructions.

.gitignore Text-file with entries for files and patterns that should be ignored by Git. This file is handled by the repo, but feel free to add necessary entries to this file. Gitignore documentation

Gruntfile.js Grunt are used for automation of tasks. The bottom lines with registerTask functions are a list of exposed functions. Read more about Grunt.

gulp-config.js Contains all paths and config for Gulpfile.js

Gulpfile.js Gulp are used for automation of tasks when customer are using Shared Storage (FTP Secure). The bottom lines with gulp.task functions are a list of exposed functions. Read more about Grunt.

Nodeserver.js Start the built-in node server: node Nodeserver.js or npm start

package.json JSON-file containing instructions and dependencies used by Grunt/Gulp/Node. This file is what npm install uses to determine what packages should be installed. Text-file containing Install instructions. Text-file containing Release Notes.
