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Documentation for Quick Language Switcher for Confluence, version 1.0.

Release Notes

User's Manual


Sometimes you like to temporary change your language setting. You do this in your preferences. This takes some steps, as you have to navigate to the preferences page, wait for loading it, open the settings dialog, select a language, save, and wait for the reload of the preferences page again. If you do this often, this could become a cumbersome task. The Quick Language Switcher app lets you select any installed language in only three clicks, and reloads the current page in that language!

Some use cases:

  1. You are a user: You run Confluence in your favourite language, but you like to have a look how Confluence looks like in another language easily.
  2. You are an admin: A user calls you for help. The user runs Confluence in a different language than you, but you like to give support and detailed information in the language the user sees on his pages. To achieve this, you switch to the user's language, give support, and switch back to your language when finished.

How To Display

Click the "L"-button at the global top right navigation bar. The app will display the following dialog:

How to show the dialog

The dialog consists of the following elements, placed in one of the two tabs "List" and "Mosaic".

Tab "List"

  1. "Select language": A single select list with all installed languanges. Selecting a language here is intendet as a temporary setting.
  2. "Language set in preferences": The language you set in your preferences. This is intended as "your preferred language". The dialog is shown in this language if this language is supported by the app. If not, the dialog is shown in English.
  3. "Show user's language": If you are an admin, you'll see this user picker. The app will show the selected language of the selected user, and enables the language-switch-button next to the user picker. Clicking the button switches to that language.
  4. "Recent languages": The history of languages you set with the app's "Select language" or the language-mosaic. Choosing your "Language set in preferences" won't affect the history. Also setting the language in your preferences won't affect the history.

Tab "Mosaic"

Shows all installed languages as buttons. If you are familiar with locale names, this is the most quick way to switch to a language.

Mosaic tab

Supported languages in dialog labels

  1. English
  2. German

About default language setting

The following description is partly taken from the Atlassian Confluence documentation "Choosing a Default Language".

Administrators can define a default language to be applied to all spaces in your Confluence site.

Individual users can choose the language that Confluence will use to display screen text and messages. The language used for your session will depend on the settings below, in the following order of priority from highest to lowest:

  1. The language preference defined in your user profile. Note that you need to be logged in for this setting to take effect.
  2. The language that you choose by clicking an option at the bottom of the Confluence login screen. Confluence stores this value in a cookie. When the cookie expires, the setting will expire too.
  3. The language set in your browser. The browser sends a header with a prioritized list of languages. Confluence will use the first supported language in that list. Confluence administrators can disable this option by setting the confluence.browser.language.enabled system property to false.
  4. The default language for your site, as defined by your Confluence site administrator.

Initially, a user'a language setting is set to "Automatically detect browser setting":

Mosaic tab

In this case, Confluence determines the language setting from items 2) to 4) of the above list of settings.

Quick Language Switcher enlightens the user what is the current cause of the language setting in case of "Automatically detect browser setting". It shows an info-icon (i). Hovering this, the user sees something similar to one of the following screenshots:

The user selected a language at the login screen (German in this example): Mosaic tab

No language selected at login-screen. Confluence uses the browser's sent language information (French in this example): Mosaic tab

Neither the language is selected at login-screen nor Confluence supports the language sent by the browser. Confluense uses the default language set by the administrator: Mosaic tab

If you are an administrator, and you selected a user who hasn't set his language in his profile, Quick Language Switcher shows you an info-icon (i). In this case, you can't see the user's language, as it depends from his local cookie- or browser-setting. Hovering this info-icon, you see a hint: Mosaic tab

Administrator's Manual


  1. Download app from Atlassian Marketplace.
  2. Install app into Confluence.


All APIs need authentication and a valid license.

Get a user's locale

GET /rest/fliplang/latest/locale/user/{userName}

Permission needed: Admin


200 OK: Returns the user's locale


    "localeKey": "de_DE",
    "displayName": "German (Germany)"
403 Forbidden


    "error": "Missing or invalid license"
404 Not found


    "error": "User key user_UNKNOWN is unknown"

Get all user's language histories

GET /rest/fliplang/latest/all

Permission needed: Admin


200 OK: Returns all user's histories

propertyType "1" currently is the only type and reflects a history entry. The propertyKey is the locale, the propertyValue is the timestamp the user sets the locale (used for sorting only). The timestamp "0" reflects the preferred/original locale before the user sets a language with Quick Language Switcher.


        "aoID": 1,
        "userKey": "402881826b08cb78016b08e874350000",
        "propertyType": 1,
        "propertyKey": "de_DE",
        "propertyValue": "0"
        "aoID": 2,
        "userKey": "402881836a6aa6b3016a6aa95ca20000",
        "propertyType": 1,
        "propertyKey": "en_US",
        "propertyValue": "0"
        "aoID": 3,
        "userKey": "ff8080815bf9f0a5015bf9f3b4890000",
        "propertyType": 1,
        "propertyKey": "None",
        "propertyValue": "0"
403 Forbidden


    "error": "Missing or invalid license"

Delete all user's language histories

DELETE /rest/fliplang/latest/all

Permission needed: Admin


200 OK: Returns the number of deleted history entries


    "count": "6"
403 Forbidden


    "error": "Missing or invalid license"
