Date-picker doesn't respect look & feel setting "Use ISO8601 standard in Date Picker" for week-numbering and user's locale for first day of week

Issue #32 resolved
Johannes Heger repo owner created an issue


  1. Date-picker doesn't respect look & feel setting "Use ISO8601 standard in Date Picker" for week-numbering. The date-picker’s ISO8601-setting is always false.
  2. The date-pickers firstDay is always 1/Monday


  1. Trock shall set the ISO8601-setting according to the system setting "Use ISO8601 standard in Date Picker".
  2. Trock shall set the first day of week according to the user’s locale. But: If ISO8601 is true, first day of week is Monday.

Both fixes are equal how Atlassian implemented these settings.

Comments (2)

  1. Johannes Heger reporter

    Fix #32: Date-picker doesn't respect look & feel setting "Use ISO8601 standard in Date Picker" for week-numbering and user's locale for first day of week

    → <<cset c2cef90f92cd>>

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