Trock Log Work dialog sends logged work with wrong date-format depenent of some installed add-ons

Issue #47 resolved
Johannes Heger repo owner created an issue

Some add-on brings “their own language-setting” into Jira pages. As observed until now this is EN. A language-setting affects the date-format how Trock frontend (Log Work dialog) sends logged work to the Jira backend. If an add-on brings EN into the page and the user’s language-setting is EN this is not a problem. But if the user’s language-setting is different it is likely the users’s locale date-format differs to the one given for EN. Jira As a consequence, the Jira backend can’t parse this unexpected date-format and doesn’t accept the logged work because Jira backend expects the date-format for locale the current logged-in user. An error is shown in the Log Work dialog.

This behaviour was observed at least in older versions of Insight, and in versions of Xporter.

Make Jira robust against language-settings in the page.

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