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Approximation Calculator / Current Status

For future developers who want to make use of our code, please take a look at Documentation.



  • Input a problem, round it, and answer the rounded equation. Their are three different errors the user can get preventing a correct answer:
  1. Rounding: The rounded numbers used are unsatisfactory.
  2. Tightness: The answer to the rounded question is not close enough to the actual answer.
  3. Incorrect: The answer given for the rounded problem is incorrect.
  • Rounding algorithm up to spec for all addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
  • Data saved: user_id, two numbers from original equation, two numbers from rounded equation, answer, operator type, time taken, timestamp, correct or incorrect, and mistake code.

Users and Data

  • User types: admin, teacher, and student.
  • Only admin can sign up new users.
  • Teachers' can view their students and their students' data.
  • Visualizations of data.
    • Problems per student including how many are correct and incorrect
  • Export data as .csv
