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Planetbase Modding / Home


Welcome to Planetbase modding!

In this wiki, you'll find out how to contribute if you are (or want to be) a modder and how to install and play with mods.

Bear in mind that this wiki is still a work in progress as well as many of the available mods.

How to install mods

Obligatory message: I cannot be held responsible for whatever happens as a result of following this wiki, using any of my mods or other software. Do it at your own risk!


To be able to load mods, we need to first patch the game so it knows how to do it. This is what the Planetbase Mod Patcher is for.

1 - Go to the Downloads section and download the Patcher.exe

2 - Run it

3 - Click on "Select Assembly-CSharp.dll"

4 - In the new window, go to the game's folder, then "Planetbase_Data", then "Managed"

5 - Select the "Assembly-CSharp.dll" file and click "Open"

6 - Click on "Patch!"

7 - Wait for it to do its magic. Some windows will open and close, files will be created and deleted. It will be over when the button you clicked says "Done!".

8 - Close the Patcher. You're done here.

How do you know it really worked? Fire up the game, when you reach the main menu look at the version in the bottom-right corner. If everything worked correctly, you'll see a [P] appended to it.


To install mods, all you have to do is copy the mod files to the "Documents\Planetbase\Mods" folder. They are loaded automatically when the game starts.

All mods can be found at

How to contribute

To create a mod, first make sure you already patched your game as described above. Then, follow these steps:

1 - Create a new Visual Studio project

2 - On the dialog window, select the Visual C# Class Library project type and select ".Net Framework 3.5" in the dropdown at the top. Set a name and create.

3 - In the solution explorer, within the new project, right-click on "References" and select "Add Reference..."

4 - Select "Browse" on the left-hand side and then click on "Browse..." at the bottom right.

5 - In the new window, go to the game's folder, then "Planetbase_Data", then "Managed"

6 - Select "Assembly-CSharp.dll", "UnityEngine.dll" and "UnityEngine.UI.dll" and click "Add"

7 - Create a new class and implement the interface IMod

8 - There are two mandatory methods to implement:

  • Init() : This method is called as soon as the game is turned on.

  • Update() : This method is called every frame while in-game

That's it. Mod to your heart's content! :D


Warning: To make our lives easier, all class members and methods have been made public by the patcher. This is very dangerous and prone to errors so mod with care!


If you want to help out with any of my mods, get in touch!
