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EEG Tutorial / Home

Chapter 1 - First Steps, Loading Data, and Initial Preprocessing

Chapter 2 - Cleaning up the data (artifact rejection, independent component analysis)


Welcome to the joeLAB EEG analysis Wiki! These pages will include all of the preprocessing and analysis steps for EEG data using the Fieldtrip toolbox for Matlab. The links to pages above will indicate what steps of processing will be covered, including some limited theoretical discussions and explanations of EEG signal processing.

Additionally, the EEG system we are using is the 14-channel Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset, and recording the EEG data (i.e., .edf files) in TestBench, part of the Emotiv EPOC Suite.

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Wiki features

This wiki will feature samples of code from Fieldtrip, which will look like this:

%% Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
cfg = [ ];
cfg.method = 'runica';

Additional resources can be found on the Fieldtrip website, and the download request for the most updated version of the toolbox can be found here.

Have fun!

