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cosmosis / CosmoSIS in Collaborations

#Using CosmoSIS in a collaboration

CosmoSIS can be used to coordinate the development of parameter estimation codes within the large collaborations that are the norm for modern cosmology. Doing so requires finding a happy medium between the more careful development approach one should take for releasing code to the wider community and the free-wheeling way one can work alone or in tight-knit groups.

This short note recommends an approach for this situation. If you have any thoughts to add then please feel free.

##General Structure

A collaboration should have a single private git repository for cosmological parameter estimation, with a hierarchical structure inside (for example by working group).

For each project or activity (loosely defined) within the collaboration:

  • analysis should be split up into separate cosmosis modules as far as you can.
    • in particular you should definitely split theory prediction code ("physics modules") into separate modules from comparisons to data (e.g. chi^2), since then others can use one without the other.
    • each module should have one directory, organized by theme and not project.
      • for example, collaboration/likelihoods/project_name NOT collaboration/project_name/likelihood.
  • libraries used by several modules should have their own directory.
  • there should be a directory collaboration/projects/project_name, just for the ini files to make the project results, with very brief notes on how to use them. Anyone should be able to re-create plots you make.

##Writing Modules - Don't be shy about creating new modules. - Wherever possible use inputs (like P(k,z), D(z), etc.) from the standard library or other modules. Don't re-invent the wheel. - Write a module.yaml file describing the module and its jobs and limitations. - Keep it up to date when you change things! - Include (in the yaml or elsewhere) a note saying who wrote the module.

##Sharing & Updating Modules

  • You're always allowed to change your own module code however you like
  • You're always allowed to use someone else's module in your project

  • If you change a module that others may be using:

    • Tell them!
    • be as clear as possible - put a note in the readme explaining the changes as best you can
    • if you change what an output means then change its name (e.g. sigma_R -> sigma_Rz)
    • if you change what inputs a module needs then make sure the error message is clear if it is missing and that this is a new change
  • If you use someone else's module:

    • Tell them!
    • Be aware they may change it; keep track of the logs
    • Be especially aware that the ranges that a module outputs over are especially likely to change (for example they might change the redshift limits of their outputs). Have your code check what you are expecting
  • If you want to extend or modify someone else's module:

    • If the change should be generally useful, push it to a branch and ask that they merge it into their module. Ideally keep the default behaviour and make the change happen only if an ini file option is set
    • If it's just for your specific application, consider making a new module that calls the same underlying code; you are then responsible for this new module.
  • If a module is "stale" and you have a new, better version, then delete the old one. It can always be recovered.

##Version Control - Version control with git is fiddly but quite well documented. - Use a GUI like SourceTree. Much, much, easier to check what you've done. - Use "git status" to check what the status is at any time. - If you're stuck google your problem and click the first link to that comes up. - If you're clever enough to do cosmology then you're clever enough to use git.
