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cosmosis / Running the postprocess program

Assuming the appropriate setup file in the config directory has been sourced, the postprocess command can be run with a command of the form

postprocess [options] inifile [inifile ...]

where the available options are

  Options for MCMC-type samplers

  --burn BURN           Fraction or number of samples to burn at the start
  --thin THIN           Keep every n'th sampler in MCMC
  --weights             Look for a weight column in a generic MCMC file

  General options for controlling postprocessing

  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        Output directory for all generated files
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Prefix for all generated files
  --more-latex MORE_LATEX
                        Load an additional latex file to the default
  --no-latex            Do not use latex-style labels, just use the text
  --blind-add           Blind results by adding adding a secret value to each
  --blind-mul           Blind results by scaling by a secret value for each

  Options controlling the inputs to this script

  --text                Tell postprocess that its argument is a text file,
                        regardless of its suffix
  --derive DERIVE       Read a python script with functions in that derive new
                        columns from existing ones

  Plotting options

  --legend              Add a legend to the plot
  --legend-loc LEGEND_LOC
                        The location of the legend: best, UR, UL, LL, LR, R,
                        CL, CR, LC, UC, C (use quotes for the ones with two
  --swap                Swap the ordering of the parameters in (x,y)
  --only PREFIX_ONLY    Only make 2D plots where both parameter names start
                        with this
  --either PREFIX_EITHER
                        Only make 2D plots where one of the parameter names
                        starts with this.
  --no-plots            Do not make any default plots
  --no-2d               Do not make any 2D plots
  --no-alpha            No alpha effect - shaded contours will not be visible
                        through other ones
  -f FILE_TYPE, --file-type FILE_TYPE
                        Filename suffix for plots
  --no-smooth           Do not smooth grid plot joint constraints
  --n-kde N_KDE         Number of KDE smoothing points per dimension to use
                        for MCMC 2D curves. Reduce to speed up, but can make
                        plots look worse.
  --factor-kde FACTOR_KDE
                        Smoothing factor for MCMC plots. More makes plots look
                        better but can smooth out too much.
  --no-fill             Do not fill in 2D constraint plots with color
  --extra EXTRA         Load extra post-processing steps from this file.
  --tweaks TWEAKS       Load plot tweaks from this file.
  --no-image            Do not plot the image in 2D grids; just show the
