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cosmosis / bootstrap

Auto-Install CosmoSIS in 4 easy steps!

We have an installation script which installs cosmosis and all its dependencies that works on 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04, 16.0, or 18.04, and SLF 6 or 7 or its equivalents (Scientific Linux, Redhat Enterprise).

Everything this script installs is put in a single directory which can be cleanly deleted and will not interfere with your other installed programs.

1 Install prerequisites (if necessary; typically these will already be available)

You need git, curl, bunzip2, and lsb_release.

Check that you have git and curl using:

git help

curl --help

lsb_release -h

bunzip2 -h

If you can any error message for any of them, then you can install from your package manager (usually yum or apt).

On a cluster or other managed machine, contact your sysadmin.

2 Download and execute the bootstrap script by running the following lines. Make sure you are running the bash shell

(You can check whether you are running the bash shell by typing "echo $SHELL" at the prompt.)

$> curl -L --remote-name
$> chmod u+x cosmosis-bootstrap-linux
$> ./cosmosis-bootstrap-linux cosmosis #The argument is the new directory to put cosmosis in.  Change it to put it somewhere else
$> cd cosmosis # or if you changed it in the previous arg then whatever you put

Note: If you need older Planck and WMAP data add the -d flag to the ./cosmosis-bootstrap line - it may take about an hour.

3 Set up the CosmoSIS environment (this must be done every time you use the program)

$> source config/setup-cosmosis

4 Build CosmoSIS libraries and included modules.

$> make

Now you can go back to the cosmosis home page and try the demos
