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cosmosis / default_modules / CRL_Eisenstein_Hu_1

CRL_Eisenstein_Hu module

Komatsu's CRL code to compute the power spectrum using EH fitting formula.

Name: CRL_Eisenstein_Hu

File: cosmosis-standard-library/structure/crl_eisenstein_hu/

Version: 1


  • Komatsu-CRL





  • DEPENDENCIES: You need to run a module to compute the growth rate before this one.


This module uses Eiichiro Komatsu's CRL code to calculate the power spectrum
without BAO in it following Eisenstein and Hu, ApJ, 496, 605 (1998).
This is faster but less accurate than a Boltzmann code like CAMB.

The CosmoSIS seam modified this slightly to remove some copyrighted
Nmerical Rcipes code.


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description
zmin Real, min value of redshift to save P(k,z) (default = 0.0)
zmax Real, max value of redshift to save P(k,z) (default = 5.0)
nz_steps Integer, number of steps used between zmin-zmax (default = 800)
kmin Real, min value of k_h (Mpc/h) to save P(k,z) (default = 1.0*10^-5)
kmax Real, min value of k_h (Mpc/h) to save P(k,z) (default = 10.0)
nk_steps Integer, number of steps used between kmin-kmax (default = 800)


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
growth_parameters d_z 1D real array, linear growth factor D
f_z 1D real array, linear growth rate f
z 1D real array, redshift of samples
cosmological_parameters omega_b real scalar, baryon content
omega_m real scalar, matter content
w real scalar, dark energy EoS. Optional; default=-1
h0 real scalar, Hubble/100km/s/Mpc
n_s real scalar, scalar spectral index
n_run real scalar, scalar spectral index running. Options; default=-1
a_s real scalar, primordial amplitude


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
matter_power_no_bao z 1D real array, redshifts of samples
k_h 1D real array, k wavenumbers of samples in Mpc/h
p_k 2D real array, matter power spectrum at samples in (Mpc/h)^-3
