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cosmosis / default_modules / FrankenEmu_2.0

FrankenEmu module

Emulate N-body simulations to compute nonlinear matter power

Name: FrankenEmu

File: cosmosis-standard-library/structure/euclid_emulator/

Version: 2.0


  • Suman Bhattacharya
  • Salman Habib
  • Katrin Heitmann
  • David Higdon
  • Juliana Kwan
  • Earl Lawrence
  • Christian Wagner
  • Brian Williams
  • Martin White



  • The Coyote Universe Extended, arXiv:1304.7849
  • Coyote Universe I: ApJ 715, 104 (2010), arXiv:0812.1052
  • Coyote Universe II: ApJ 705, 156 (2009), arXiv:0902.0429
  • Coyote Universe III: ApJ 713, 1322 (2010), arXiv:0912.4490



  • LCDM in the form of the Coyote Universe simulations


FrankenEmu is an emulator designed to interpolate among a collection
of numerical N-body simulations called the Coyote Universe.

It uses a Gaussian Process interpolation between a set of simulations
arranged in a Latin Hypercube in parameter space.

Each simulation yields a non-linear matter power spectrum P(k,z), and
the interpolation is between these spectra, so the output should be a
reasonable (1% accuracy) value of P(k,z) for the given parameters.

The simulations and the whole process are explained in detail in the papers


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description
dz Spacing in redshift of output
nz Number of redshift samples. Need nz*dz<=4.0
do_distances boolean, Whether to also calculate cosmological distances (default=T)


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
cosmological_parameters ombh2 real scalar, baryon content
ommh2 real scalar, matter content
w real scalar, dark energy EoS. Optional; default=-1
h0 real scalar, Hubble/100km/s/Mpc
n_s real scalar, scalar spectral index
sigma_8 real scalar, scalar spectral index running. Options; default=-1


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
matter_power_nl z 1D real array, redshifts of samples
k_h 1D real array, k wavenumbers of samples in Mpc/h
p_k 2D real array, matter power spectrum at samples in (Mpc/h)^-3
distances z 1D real array, redshifts of samples
a 1D real array, scale factor of samples
d_a 1D real array, angular diameter distance in Mpc
d_m 1D real array, co-moving distance in Mpc
h 1D real array, hubble parameter with in units of c/Mpc
