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cosmosis / default_modules / Joachimi_Bridle_alpha_1.0

Joachimi_Bridle_alpha module

Calculate the gradient of the galaxy luminosity function at the limiting magnitude of the survey.

Name: Joachimi_Bridle_alpha

File: cosmosis-standard-library/luminosity_function/Joachimi_Bridle_alpha/

Version: 1.0


  • CosmoSIS team
  • Simon Samuroff





  • The galaxy luminosity function is well approximated by the fitting function of Blake & Bridle (2005).
  • The limiting r-band magnitude r_lim>16.9


The gradient of the cumulative galaxy luminosity function \alpha is sensitive to both redshift and magnitude limit of the survey
considered. Joachimi & Bridle (2010) extend the fitting function of Blake & Bridle (2005) to obtain a polynomial \alpha(z, r_lim)
at a range of redshifts, where z_i is the median in redshift bin i and r_lim is the r-band magnitude limit. Note that the fitting is based on ground-based
data from the COMBO-17 survey. See Joachimi & Bridle (2010) for discussion of its applicability.


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description
magnitude_limit double; limiting r-band magnitude of the survey considered. default=24
binned_alpha bool; compute alpha in the survey redshift bins, rather than as a continuous funtion of redshift. default=True


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
wl_num_density Nz integer; number of points used to evaluate the distribution in each redshift bin.
nzbin integer; number of survey redshift bins.
zmax double; maximum redshift of the redshift distributions.
bin_i real vector; an array of Nz points evenly sampled from the galaxy redshift distribution in bin i in the range z={0...zmax}. The index ranges i={0,1...nzbin}.


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
galaxy_luminosity_function z real vector; redshift values of alpha(z) samples
alpha real vector; gradient of the logarithmic cumulative galaxy luminosity function at the limiting magnitude.
z_binned real vector; median values of the n(z) in the survey redshift bins.
alpha_binned real vector; gradient of the logarithmic cumulative galaxy luminosity function at the limiting magnitude, evaluated at the median redshift of each bin.
