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cosmosis / default_modules / add_intrinsic_1.0

add_intrinsic module

Sum together intrinsic aligments with shear signal

Name: add_intrinsic

File: cosmosis-standard-library/shear/add_intrinsic/

Version: 1.0


  • CosmoSIS team





  • Linear sum of C_ell for IA components


Observerd shape spectra contain a sum of intrinsic and shear spectra, and the
cross-correlation between them. This module adds together these components,
accounting for the fact that C_GI != C_IG for two bins

It may be replaced at some point with changes to the shear computation modules.


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
shear_cl_gg nbin Integer; number of tomographic bins
ell Real 1D array; ell samples of theory
bin_{i}_{j} Real 1D array; for series of i,j values, the shear-shear angular spectra C_ell
shear_cl_ii bin_{i}_{j} Real 1D array; for series of i,j values, the intrinsic-intrinsic angular spectra C_ell
shear_cl_gi bin_{i}_{j} Real 1D array; for series of i,j values, the shear-intrinsic angular spectra C_ell
bin_{j}_{i} Real 1D array; for series of i,j values, the intrinsic_shear angular spectra C_ell


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
shear_cl nbin Integer; number of tomographic bins
ell Real 1D array; ell samples of theory
bin_{i}_{j} Real 1D array; for series of i,j values, the total angular spectra C_ell
