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cosmosis / default_modules / clerkin_1

clerkin module

Compute galaxy bias as function of k, z for 3-parameter Clerkin et al 2014 model

Name: clerkin

File: cosmosis-standard-library/bias/clerkin/

Version: 1


  • L. Clerkin



  • arXiv:1405.5521
  • Cole et al, MNRAS, 362, 2, 505–534


  • Please cite the relevant papers if you use this module.


  • 3-parameter bias model from Clerkin et al l 2014


The GTD bias model provides a benchmark expression for
the redshift evolution of galaxy bias on large scales.
This is crucial for rigorous comparison or combination
of results. Choice of biasing model has a significant
impact on cosmological parameter constraints, and an
incorrect bias model will cause a shift in measured
values of cosmological parameters. The three parameter
GTD model, which encompasses several common bias models,
has been shown to outperform the popular approach of a
binned constant bias in obtaining unbiased estimates of
cosmological parameters.

The GTD model is:
b(z) = c + (b_0 - c) / D(z)^alpha

where D(z) is the growth factor.

The Q model is:
b(k) = (1+Q k^2) / (a+A k)

This module creates bias fields and/or scales power spectra,
depending on the chosen options

The version of this model without redshift dependence is from Cole et al.


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description
bias_only (bool, default=F) If set, do not use the matter power spectrum, just save the bias field
model 'gtd', 'q', or 'q-gtd' to use the GTD three-parameter model (z evolution only), the 2-parameter Q model (k scale only) or both
suffix (string, default='') A suffix to append to the output section names below


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
galaxy_bias b0 real scalar. bias at z=0 if GTD model used
c real scalar. bias parameter for GTD model
alpha real scalar. power law index for growth in GTD model
Q real scalar. parameter of Q model
A real scalar. parameter of Q model
matter_power_nl k_h 1D real vector, wavenumber in h/Mpc only if mode=power or both
z 1D real vector, redshift only if mode=power or both
P_k 2D real vector, nonlinear matter power only if mode=power or both


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
galaxy_power k_h 1D real vector, wavenumber in h/Mpc, only if bias_only=F
z 1D real vector, redshift, only if bias_only=F
P_k 2D real vector, galaxy power, only if bias_only=F
matter_galaxy_power k_h 1D real vector, wavenumber in h/Mpc, only if bias_only=F
z 1D real vector, redshift, only if bias_only=F
P_k 2D real vector, matter-galaxy cross power, only if bias_only=F
bias_field k_h 1D real vector, wavenumber in h/Mpc
z 1D real vector, redshift
b 2D real vector, galaxy bias
r 2D real vector, stochastic bias (identically 1 for these models)
