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cosmosis / default_modules / mead_Camb-Feb-2018

mead module

Uses an extended Halo model to compute non-linear and baryonic power

Name: mead

File: cosmosis-standard-library/structure/meadcb/

Version: Camb-Feb-2018


  • Alexander Mead





  • Halo model and particular extensions described in referenced paper


In the non-linear regime (high k; small scales) predicting the matter
power spectrum is extremely challenging, as the simple predictability
of the linear regime no longer applies.

The Halo model is a formalism for making predictions in this regime.
It models structure as a collection of randomly-positioned (overlapping) blobs of
matter with a specified radial density profile (for example the NFW profile).
The correlation function of matter is then the sum of the correlation within a
halo, and the correlation between halos. The distribution of the masses and radii
of the halos then specifies a particular realization of the model.

Mead et al present an optimized variant of the Halo Model, designed to produce
accurate matter power spectra well into the non-linear regime for a wide
range of cosmological models. It is designed to fit hydrodynamical simulations
like the OWLS set of models, and thus account for both non-linear evolution

The model has two free input parameters (though these are set to fiducial values
if they are not otherwise specified). See Table 2 in Mead et al for the meaning
of these new parameters.

Please contact Alexander Mead if you have any difficulties with the code/models itself.
(Though the CosmoSIS team are of course happy to help with connecting the code
into CosmoSIS pipelines).

k settings are read from linear matter power spectrum


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description
feedback bool, verbosity of output
nz integer, default=-1. Number of redshifts to evaluate the nonlinear powerspectrum at. nz=-1 uses the redshifts of the input linear power spectrum
zmin real, default=0. Lower end of the output redshifts. Only used when nz > 0
zmax real, default=3.0. Upper end of the output redshifts. Only used when nz > 0
one_baryon_parameter bool, default=False. Number of baryon parameters to use. If True, use the relationship eta0 = 1.03-0.11*A to calculate eta from A.
input_section_name string, default=matter_power_lin. Name of section that holds linear power spectrum
output_section_name string, default=matter_power_nl. Name of section that nonlienar power spectrum gets written to


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
cosmological_parameters omega_b real, baryon density fraction today
omega_m real, total matter density fraction today
omega_lambda real, dark energy density fraction today
h0 real, little h Hubble parameter (H0 / (100 km/s/Mpc))
sigma_8 real, amplitude of linear matter power at 8/h Mpc at z=0.
w real, w(z=0) equation of state of dark energy (default -1.0)
halo_model_parameters A real, default=3.13, Minimum halo concentration
eta_0 real, default=0.603, Halo bloating parameter constant term


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
matter_power_nl k_h real 1D array, sample values of nonlinear spectrum in Mpc/h
z real 1D array, redshift of nonlinear spectrum samples
P_k real 2D array, nonlinear spectrum in (Mpc/h)^{-3}
