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cosmosis / default_modules / mgcamb_Feb14

mgcamb module

Modified Gravity Boltzmann and background integrator for BG, CMB, and matter power

Name: mgcamb

File: cosmosis-standard-library/boltzmann/mgcamb/

Version: Feb14


  • A. Hojjati
  • G.B. Zhao
  • L. Pogosian
  • A. Silvestri
  • Antony Lewis
  • Anthony Challinor





  • One of several modification ansatzes specifying changes from GR
  • wCDM background evolution
  • Other camb assumptions


See the CAMB module for a general introduction to CAMB.

MGCAMB is a modified version of CAMB in which the linearized
Einstein equations of General Relativity (GR) are modified.

It implements several different parameterizations, which are described on this page:
and referred to here as:
model 0 : default GR
model 1 : BZ(mu,gamma) ( introduced in arXiv:0801.2431)
model 2 : (Q,R) ( introduced in arXiv:1002.4197 )
model 3 : (Q0,R0,s)( introduced in arXiv:1002.4197 )
model 4 : f(R) ( introduced in arXiv:0909.2045 )
model 5 : Chameleon ( introduced in arXiv:0909.2045 )
model 6 : Linder's gamma (introduced in arXiv:0507263 )


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description
mode String, choose from Background, thermal, cmb, or all. In background mode only the expansion history is calculated. In thermal mode the recombination history is computed and rs_zdrag and related quantities also. In cmb mode the CMB power spectra are also calculated. In all mode the matter power spectrum at low redshift and sigma8 are also calculated.
mg_model Integer, from 0-6, choice of MG model to use
lmax Integer, only if mode!=background, default 1200 - the max ell to use for cmb calculation
feedback Integer, amount of output to print. 0 for no feedback. 1 for basic, 2 for extended, maybe higher?
use_tabulated_w Logical, set to true to load w(z) from previous module (default F)
k_eta_max_scalar Integer, maximum value of (k eta) to evolve for scalars. (default 2*lmax)
do_tensors Include tensor modes (default F)
zmin Min value to save P(k,z) (default 0)
zmax Max value to save P(k,z) (default 4)
nz Number of z values to save P(k,z) (default 401, so that dz=0.01)
do_nonlinear Apply non-linear halofit corrections to matter-power. Relevant only for lensing right now (default F)
do_lensing Include lensing of CMB, and save C_ell phi-phi (default F)
high_ell_template Required for lensing - set to the file included in the camb dir (no default)


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
modified_gravity grtrans real, scale factor of transition from GR
b1 real, model 1, beta 1 in mu(a,k)
b2 real, model 1, beta 2 in gamma(a,k)
lambda1_2 real, model 1, lambda_1^2 in mu(a,k)
lambda2_2 real, model 1, lambda_2^2 in gamma(a,k)
ss real, model 1, scale factor power index in mu and gamma
MGQfix real, model 2, Constant Q value
MGRfix real, model 2, Constant R value
Qnot real, model 3, Q_0 term in Q(k,a)
Rnot real, model 3, R_0 term in R(k,a)
sss real, model 3, scale factor power index for Q and R
b0 real, models 4 & 5, B_0 term that goes into lambda_1^2 in mu(a,k)
beta1 real, model 5, beta_1 term that goes into lambda_2^2 term in mu(a,k)
s real, model 5 scale factor power index for mu
linder_gamma real, model 6, gamma_L power law in Omega_M for growth rate
cosmological_parameters omega_b real, baryon density fraction today
omega_c real, cdm density fraction today
omega_k real, curvature density fraction today (default 0.0)
omega_lambda real, dark energy density fraction today
hubble real, hubble parameter H0 (km/s/Mpc)
tau real, optical depth to last-scattering (ignored in background mode)
n_s real, scalar spectral index (ignored in background/thermal mode)
A_s real, scalar spectrum primordial amplitude (ignored in background/thermal mode)
k_s real, Power spectrum pivot scale (default 0.05/Mpc)
r_t real, tensor to scalar ratio (default 0.0)
n_run real, running of scalar spectrum d n_s / d log_k (default 0.0)
n_t real, tensor spectral index (default 0.0)
omega_nu real, neutrino density fraction today (default 0.0)
massless_nu real, effective number of massless neutrinos (default 3.046)
massive_nu integer, number of massive neutrinos (default 0)
sterile_neutrino integer, number of sterile neutrinos (default 0)
delta_neff real, contribution to N_eff by sterile neutrino (default 0)
sterile_mass_fraction real, fraction of omega_nu in sterile neutrino
yhe real, helium fraction (default 0.24)
w real, w(z=0) equation of state of dark energy (default -1.0)
wa real, equation of state parameter w(z) = w_0 + w_a z / (1+z) (default 0.0)
cs2_de real, dark energy sound speed/c (default 1.0)


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
post_friedmann_parameters z 1D real array, redshifts of samples
k_h 1D real array, k wavenumbers of samples in Mpc/h.
D 2D real array, D(k,z) modification to first perturbed Einstein equation
Q 2D real array, Q(k,z) modification to first perturbed Einstein equation
cosmological_parameters sigma_8 real, amplitude of linear matter power at 8/h Mpc at z=0. Only calculated if mode=all
distances nz integer, number of z samples
z 1D real array, redshifts of samples
d_a 1D real array, angular diameter distance in Mpc
d_m 1D real array, co-moving distance in Mpc
d_l 1D real array, luminosity distance in Mpc
mu 1D real array, distance modulus
h 1D real array, hubble parameter with in units of Mpc
rho 1D real array, matter density, in kg/m^3 Only if mode=all
age real, age of universe in GYr
zdrag real, redshift where baryons no longer dragged by photons. Only if mode!=background
rs_zdrag real, sound horizon size at zdrag. Only if mode!=background
zstar real, redshift of unity optical depth. Only if mode!=background
theta real, angular size of sound horizon at zstar. Only if mode!=background
chistar real, comoving distance to zstar. Only if mode!=background
matter_power_lin z 1D real array, redshifts of samples. Only if mode=all
k_h 1D real array, k wavenumbers of samples in Mpc/h. Only if mode=all
p_k 2D real array, matter power spectrum at samples in (Mpc/h)^-3. Only if mode=all
linear_cdm_transfer z 1D real array, redshifts of samples. Only if mode=all
k_h 1D real array, k wavenumbers of samples in Mpc/h. Only if mode=all
delta_cdm 2D real array, Linear CDM transfer function at samples. Only if mode=all
cmb_cl ell 1D integer array, angular frequencies. Only if mode=cmb or all
tt 1D real array, ell * (ell+1) C_ell^TT / 2 pi in mu K^2. Only if mode=cmb or all
ee 1D real array, ell * (ell+1) C_ell^EE / 2 pi in mu K^2. Only if mode=cmb or all
bb 1D real array, ell * (ell+1) C_ell^BB / 2 pi in mu K^2. Only if mode=cmb or all
te 1D real array, ell * (ell+1) C_ell^TE / 2 pi in mu K^2. Only if mode=cmb or all
PhiPhi 1D real array, Lensing spectrum; note ell scaling: ell * (ell+1) C_ell^PhiPhi. Only if mode=cmb or all
