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cosmosis / default_modules / planck_1.0

planck module

Likelihood function of CMB from Planck

Name: planck

File: cosmosis-standard-library/likelihood/planck/

Version: 1.0


  • The Planck Collaboration



  • Planck collaboration, arXiv:1303.5075
  • Hinshaw et al, ApJS, 208, 2, 19, 25 (If low-ell polarization from WMAP used)
  • Dunkley et al, JCAP, 07, 025 (If ACT data used)
  • Hou et al, 2014 ApJ, 782, 74 (If SPT data used)


  • "Likelihood released by Planck Collaboration and packaged by cosmosis team. Contact the latter with problems in the first instance. Different papers should be cited depending which data sets are used with this module. "


  • Highly accurate CMB calculations are required
  • In the high-ell regime models for the foregrounds and secondary anisotropies are assumed


The Planck space telescope has provided the most powerful current
CMB data from quadrupole to sub-degree scales.

The Planck Collaboration released a likelihood code (the PLC) to which one passes
both a file containing the data to be used, the theory spectra to compare to that
data, and a set of nuisance parameters that the code uses (somewhat opaquely) to
model the effects of foreground components, secondary anisotropies, and Planck beams and
gains. For more details see the papers by the Planck collaboration and web documentation.

The low-ell polarization data currently use WMAP data rather than Planck (as of v1.0).

We do not describe the nuisance parameters in detail here; reasonable ranges and values
for them are given in the Planck papers; they should be marginalized over in full
analysis. Different parameters are used for different data sets.

The cosmosis team wrote the wrapper which connects the PLC into


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description
t_low_file File path to low-ell temperature likelihood file released by Planck Collaboration.
p_low_file File path to low-ell polarization likelihood file released by Planck Collaboration.
t_high_file File path to high-ell temperature data likelihood file released by Planck Collaboration.
lensing_file File path to lensing likelihood file released by Planck Collaboration.


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
cmb_cl ell Integer vector of angular frequencies for CMB spectra
tt Double vector of temperature spectra in l*(l+1) C_ell / uK^2 (if using TT data)
ee Double vector of E-mode polarization spectra in l*(l+1) C_ell / uK^2 (if using pol data)
bb Double vector of B-mode polarization spectra in l*(l+1) C_ell / uK^2 (if using pol data)
te Double vector of cross spectra in l*(l+1) C_ell / uK^2 (if using pol data)
pp Double vector of phi-phi spectra in l*(l+1) C_ell (if using lensing)
planck A_ps_100 Planck point source amplitude parameter at 100 GHz
A_ps_143 Planck point source amplitude parameter at 143 GHz
A_ps_217 Planck point source amplitude parameter at 217 GHz
A_cib_143 Planck Cosmic Infrared Background amplitude parameter at 143 GHz
A_cib_217 Planck Cosmic Infrared Background amplitude parameter at 217 GHz
A_sz Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect parameter
r_ps Planck point source ratio parameter
r_cib Planck Cosmic Infrared Background ratio parameter
n_Dl_cib Planck Cosmic Infrared Background parameter
cal_100 Planck calibration parameter at 100GHz
cal_143 Planck calibration parameter at 143GHz
cal_217 Planck calibration parameter at 217GHz
xi_sz_cib Planck Cosmic Infrared Background parameter
A_ksz Planck kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich parameter
Bm_1_1 Planck beam parameter


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
likelihoods planck_tt_high_like Log-likelihood from Planck TT high-ell data
planck_tt_lopw_like Log-likelihood from Planck TT low-ell data
planck_p_low_like Log-likelihood from Planck TT high-ell data
planck_lensing_like Log-likelihood from Planck lensing data
planck_like The total Planck log-likelihood; sum of the other values.
