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cosmosis / default_modules / shear_xi_1.0

shear_xi module

Compute the likelihood of a tomographic shear correlation function data set

Name: shear_xi

File: cosmosis-standard-library/likelihood/shear_xi/

Version: 1.0


  • Niall Maccrann





  • Gaussian likelihood of shear xi
  • Redshift distribution used correctly matches tomographic bins


DEPRECATED: This module is not recommended for use any more; use the 2pt_like likelihood instead.

Several surveys are measuring the cosmic shear 2-pt correlation functions xi_+(theta)
and xi_minus(theta) of the gravitational lensing in tomographic redshift bins.

This module calculates the likelihood of theoretical xi(theta) values
values given a data set. It assumes a simple Gaussian likelihood, so the only
complexities are:
selecting exactly which data to use - angular ranges, whether to use xi_minus
if the covariance matrix came from simulations this
adds noise to the covariance matrix - this the number of sims can be set


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description
data_file string, file containing the data vector. Each row should be one angle, and then the ordering for e.g. three bins is: xip(0,1) xip(0,2) xip(1,1) xip(1,2) xip(2,2) xim(0,0) xim(0,1) xim(0,2) xim(1,1) xim(1,2) xim(2,2)
covmat_file string, file containing the covariance matrix, either text file or numpy npy file. Ordering goes down the columns of the data vector first.
n_z_bins integer, number of redshift bins to use
cov_num_rlzn integer; default=0, number of realizations to assume for covariance simulations. Zero means no simulation errors.
plus_only boolean; default=False, whether to use only xi+ and ignore xi-
theta_mins string; default=empty, Comma separated minimum angles in arcmin for the different bin pairs
theta_maxs string; default=empty, Comma separated maximum angles in arcmin for the different bin pairs


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
shear_xi theta 1D real array, theta values of theory correlation functions
xi_plus_i_j xi_plus meausurements for i,j=(1..n_z_bins)
xi_minus_i_j xi_minus meausurements for i,j=(1..n_z_bins)


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
likelihoods xipm_like real, likelihood of supplied theory correlation functions
