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cosmosis / default_modules / sigma8_rescale_1.0

sigma8_rescale module

Rescale structure measures to use a specified sigma_8

Name: sigma8_rescale

File: cosmosis-standard-library/utility/sample_sigma8/

Version: 1.0


  • Susana Fernandez
  • Jack Elvin-Poole





  • Spectra scale quadratically with sigma_8


Boltzmann codes like CAMB and CLASS typically take a primordial power spectrum
amplitude A_s as an input parameter defining the amplitude of cosmic structure

Late-time data sets more naturally measure a late-time amplitude, and the measure
sigma_8 is usually instead for these data. If all other cosmological parameters
are fixed A_s ~ sigma_8^2, but when other parameters can vary they are not
perfectly equivalent.

This module enables you to sample over sigma_8 while still passing A_s into a
Boltzmann code. It does this by using an input value sigma8_input, which can
be sampled over, and a fixed fiducial A_s value. After the Boltzmann code is run
and sigma_8 for the fiducial amplitude calculated, the CMB and matter power spectra
are scaled by (sigma8_input2)/(sigma8_boltzmann2), and sigma_8 is overwritten.


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
cosmological_parameters sigma_8 real, late time amplitude sigma_8 as output from CAMB or another Boltzmann code
sigma8_input real, The desired sigma_8, usually from the sampler
A_s real, The fixed fiducial primordial amplitude
cmb_cl TT real 1D array, CMB TT power spectrum
EE real 1D array, CMB EE power spectrum
BB real 1D array, CMB BB power spectrum
TE real 1D array, CMB TE power spectrum
matter_power_lin P_K real 1D or 2D array, matter power spectrum P(k,z)


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
cosmological_parameters sigma_8 real, re-scaled sigma_8, set to sigma_8_input
A_s real, rescaled A_s
cmb_cl TT real 1D array, rescaled CMB TT power spectrum
EE real 1D array, rescaled CMB EE power spectrum
BB real 1D array, rescaled CMB BB power spectrum
TE real 1D array, rescaled CMB TE power spectrum
matter_power_lin P_K real 1D or 2D array, rescaled matter power spectrum P(k,z)
