
Clone wiki

cosmosis / development

Development version

We add cosmosis changes and new features to a "development" version (or "branch") before merging them into a main numbered release. You can use this version to get new features and bug fixes, but expect more bugs and other issues, which we'd be grateful if you'd report to us - please let us know that you are using the development version.

Getting the development version

This commands will take you from the master version to the current development version:

update-cosmosis --develop

Or if you would like to do things manually:

git checkout develop
git pull
cd cosmosis-standard-library
git checkout develop
git pull
cd ..

If you have made changes to the cosmosis code that would conflict with changes in the development version then this will refuse and give you a warning. If you are happy to lose those changes then run:

git checkout .
cd cosmosis-standard-library
git checkout .
cd ..
and then re-run the first set of commands.

Changes in the current development version
