KBD Scroll Support

Issue #182 closed
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Hi John,

Any possibility of implementing a KBD scroll and/or PGup / PGdn controls for the IDE programming area?

User can click on the grey surface and then be able to use ARROWS, PG keys etc to scroll the blocks up and down.

It is very cumbersome right now, when there are a lot of blocks, to navigate up / down.


Comments (4)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    deploy v1.0.5

    System * Menu option to put zero at bottom or middle of graph (defaults to middle) * Show script size in bytes in output of "show compiled bytes" * Arrow key navigation in scrollable morph under mouse pointer (closes #182)

    Libraries * RTTL Ringtone library for playing tunes * Microphone library * String library

    VM * Added microphone primitive (not yet supported on M5Stick C)

    Bug Fixes * Fix: Use DAC for output on analog output to A0 on CPX

    → <<cset e6a4d9afdec1>>

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