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uru / Usage


Uru is like a good book, movie, song, or absinthe infused conversation at 3AM; it works by changing your world view.

Say what?

Ok, uru is a slightly more pedestrian multi-platform ruby runtime switcher.

Uru consists of three primary subsystems: (a) shell specific helper scripts, (b) a persistent JSON-based registry of installed rubies, and (c) a runtime executable written in Go.

When you tell uru to switch rubies by giving it the "tag" (a user defined shortcut name known internally as a "tag label" to the Go runtime code) to the new ruby, uru works its magic by changing your shell's current PATH and GEM_HOME environment variables. Uru prepends your unchanged base PATH with new values contained within a PATH "sandbox", delimited by uru's PATH "canary" separators. If applicable, Uru also sets a GEM_HOME value.

/_U1_ (start of sandbox) and /_U2_ (end of sandbox) are the PATH canaries used on both Unix-like and Windows systems. On Windows systems running Cygwin or MSYS2, U:\_U1_ and U:\_U2_ are the PATH canaries.

Supports a system ruby

On dev systems using environment managers such as uru, a system ruby is almost always a poor choice. A system ruby is a ruby that you've made active on PATH as part of your shell's startup configuration. A better alternative is to allow uru to manage all your installed rubies rather than hard-coding a specific ruby to your PATH.

That said, uru takes a pragmatic view and provides support for a system ruby. But. There are a few caveats as listed below.


Uru is meant to be easily installed on Windows, Linux, and OSX systems. While each system is different, the basic steps are the same: place the uru runtime into a directory already on PATH, invoke an install command, and register a system ruby if one is already active on your PATH.

You're now ready to register other installed rubies, and start using uru to make your multi-ruby system behave a little nicer.

Binary Archive Download

By far, the easiest way to begin using uru is to download a binary archive, extract the single file uru runtime into a directory already on PATH, and perform one of the following installation dances:


:: 1) Extract uru_rt.exe to a dir already on PATH and install. For example, assuming
:: uru_rt.exe was extracted to C:\tools already on your PATH, install uru like
C:\tools>uru_rt admin install

:: 2) [OPTIONAL] If you have a pre-existing ruby already on PATH from cmd.exe
:: initialization, you can register it as the "system" ruby. A "system" ruby is
:: almost always a bad idea.
C:\tools>uru_rt admin add system

Windows users may also install uru

  • Using the Chocolatey package manager
  • In Cygwin or MSYS2 bash-like environments while remaining compatible with cmd.exe and powershell usage
  • In Fish shells on Cygwin or MSYS2 by placing uru_rt.exe on Fish's PATH and doing a one time install via echo 'uru_rt admin install | source' >> ~/.config/fish/

Linux and OS X

# 1) Extract uru_rt to a dir already on PATH and install. For example, assuming
# uru_rt was extracted to ~/bin already on your PATH, install uru like
$ cd ~/bin && chmod +x uru_rt

# 2) Append to ~/.profile on Ubuntu, or to ~/.zshenv on Zsh
$ echo 'eval "$(uru_rt admin install)"' >> ~/.bash_profile

# 3) [OPTIONAL] If you have a pre-existing ruby already on PATH from bash/Zsh
# startup configuration files, you can register it as the "system" ruby.
# A "system" ruby is almost always a bad idea.
$ uru_rt admin add system

# 4) Restart the shell
$ exec $SHELL --login

# WARNING: If the `uru` command is not available when using bash via your
# desktop environment's terminal emulator, append the following to your
# .bashrc file.
$(declare -F uru > /dev/null) || eval "$(uru_rt admin install)"

Linux and OS X users may also install uru

  • In Fish shells by placing uru_rt on Fish's PATH and doing a one time install via echo 'uru_rt admin install | source' >> ~/.config/fish/

Go Build and Install

If Go is properly installed (GOPATH, PATH, and possibly GOROOT correctly configured) and you would like to build from source using Go's built-in toolchain, the process can be as simple as:

# fetch, build, and install the stripped uru runtime into the Go workspace
# specified by $GOPATH
$ go get -ldflags '-s'

# ugly: rename the auto-built exe; assumes $GOPATH contains only one dir
$ cd $GOPATH/bin && mv uru uru_rt 

# perform steps 2-4 from the previous `Linux and OS X` binary archive install info

See the GOPATH and code organization documentation for more info on Go workspaces.

Once uru's repo is part of your Go workspace, manually (re)building uru's runtime (stripped of the symbol table and debug information) can be as simple as:

# unix-like:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/ && go build -ldflags '-s' -o uru_rt

# windows:
C:\>cd %GOPATH%\src\\jonforums\uru && go build -ldflags "-s" -o uru_rt.exe

Rakefile Build

If Go, Ruby, rake, and other build tool dependencies are already installed on your system, building or packaging a Linux, Windows, or OS X single file uru runtime can be as simple as one of these build scenarios:

C:\uru-repo>rake clean
rm -r build

# Scenario 1 - build the uru runtime exes
---> building uru windows_386 flavor
---> building uru linux_386 flavor
---> building uru darwin_386 flavor

# Scenario 2 - build and create archives of the uru runtime exes
C:\uru-repo>rake package
---> building uru windows_386 flavor
---> building uru linux_386 flavor
---> building uru darwin_386 flavor
---> packaging darwin_386
---> packaging linux_386
---> packaging windows_386

# Scenario 3 - build and create development archives of the uru runtime exes
C:\uru-repo>rake package -- --dev-build

  *** DEVELOPMENT build mode ***

---> building uru windows_386 flavor
---> building uru linux_386 flavor
---> building uru darwin_386 flavor
---> packaging darwin_386
---> packaging linux_386
---> packaging windows_386

Once you've properly cloned uru's source repo into your Go workspace via a go get -d, you can easily (re)build the uru runtime with uru's Rakefile. The primary dependencies are:

  1. A git installation on PATH
  2. A cross-compiling Go build environment on PATH. Go build one on Windows. It's painless.
  3. A ruby environment with rake on PATH
  4. Command line 7-zip (or p7zip for Linux) archive tool
  5. Tweak the Rakefile's CUSTOMIZE BUILD CONFIGURATION section to match your system setup

Usage Examples

see the examples wiki page for typical usage examples.

Known (Surprising?) Behaviors

1. A system ruby can cause conflicts

As uru prepends (but never modifies) your base PATH, and a system ruby is a ruby that has been added to your base PATH by a shell's startup configuration, two (or more) rubies may exist on PATH at the same time. Normally this is not a problem as the ruby at the front of the PATH will be used rather than a later ruby. For example, say you've registered MRI 2.1.8 as your system ruby and MRI 2.2.4 as another ruby. Selecting MRI 2.2.4 as the active ruby (first on PATH) via uru 224 will result in MRI 2.2.4 being used when you run ruby smokin.rb. Although MRI 2.1.8 is still on PATH, it will not be used because it's later in the PATH chain.

The problem exists when you switch to using a non-MRI ruby and forget to call its interpreter correctly. For example, in addition to the above two MRI rubies you've registered jruby 1.7.3. Selecting jruby as the active ruby (i.e - first on PATH) via uru 173 will result in jruby being used when you run jruby smokin.rb. However, as MRI 2.1.8 is the system ruby and still on PATH, running ruby smokin.rb will use the MRI ruby rather than jruby.

While uru supports using a system ruby, it is almost always a better idea to remove the system ruby from your startup PATH, explicitly register your other rubies with uru, and let uru manage which ruby is currently active.

2. Correct GEM_HOME values may conflict with default user installed gems

On Windows, uru assumes that users install gems into their ruby installations. As such, uru does not generate a GEM_HOME environment variable and does not modify PATH to include a directory containing the gem executables. That's not quite true. If a GEM_HOME env var is defined when a user adds a system ruby via uru admin add system, that GEM_HOME env var value will be used whenever the system ruby is selected as the active ruby.

On Linux and OS X, GEM_HOME and PATH behavior is very different. Uru will always generate and set a GEM_HOME value except when using the system ruby that had no active GEM_HOME env var when it was registered via uru admin add system. Uru will also use its generated GEM_HOME value to prepend PATH with a directory containing gem executables.

Uru generates unsurprising GEM_HOME values of the form /home/$USER/.gem/$ruby/$version. For example, /home/jon/.gem/ruby/2.2.0 and /home/jon/.gem/jruby/1.7.3. These GEM_HOME values may cause issues if you had installed gems to other locations using ruby's defaults.

For example, an MRI 1.9.3 ruby will confusingly install user gems (e.g. - gem i narray --user-install) into /home/$USER/.gem/ruby/1.9.1. Uru's more rational GEM_HOME value of /home/$USER/.gem/ruby/1.9.3 may cause the previously installed user gems to appear to have vanished. Simply rename your user gem directory to match uru's expectation, and the world is back in balance.

3. Prepending PATH after invoking uru may cause odd behavior

Prior to v0.8.1, uru works by prepending your base PATH and expects to be the only tool in your system performing this trickery. This meant that if you prepended additional PATH values after executing uru, it is very likely that uru will get confused and not behave as expected.

Starting with v0.8.1, uru implements a safer PATH tweaking strategy. Uru uses a PATH "sandbox", delimited by /_U1_ and /_U2_ (U:\_U1_ and U:\_U2_ in Cygwin/MSYS2 on Windows) to constrain its PATH changes. The main benefit of this strategy is that uru can quickly and more surgically remove its effects while remaining tolerant of PATH mods that a user may have made after using uru to activate a specific ruby. Essentially, if a user adds dirs to PATH after activating a ruby, uru will not remove those user PATH mods when it deactivates (i.e. - remove from PATH) a ruby.

The uru PATH sandbox (aka uru chunk) looks like

/_U1_;[GEM_HOME_BIN_DIR];RUBY_BIN_DIR;/_U2_  (Windows)
/_U1_:[GEM_HOME_BIN_DIR]:RUBY_BIN_DIR:/_U2_  (Linux, OS X)
U:\_U1_:[GEM_HOME_BIN_DIR]:RUBY_BIN_DIR:U:\_U2_  (Cygwin and MSYS2 on Windows)

and is always prepended to the current PATH when uru activates a specific ruby.
