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jooIllustratorScripts / Documentation / How_do_I_Use_Scripts

What is This; How do I Use Scripts?

Using scripts is quite easy. All you need to do is download the script file and execute it inside Illustrator. The easiest way, that works well for testing, is to simply drag and drop the script file over Illustrator.

Scripts themselves are just text files that contain instructions for the computer to execute. In the specific case of Adobe software they are simply a javaScript variant known as ExtendScript that Adobe design suite applications know how to execute.

Executing scripts

There are quite many ways to execute scripts, whichever you choose depends on the use case and personal preferences. I will explain the following methods in depth:

  • Placing the script in File -> Scripts menu
  • Using File -> Scripts -> Other Script...
  • Drag and drop the file on your application
  • Double click the script file
  • Run it form a command line
  • Run it using ExtendScript Toolkit

The File -> Scripts menu just shows each script in a special folder on your computer. This is a good approach for persistent scripts you want even other users find. You can find the /lllustrator XX/Preset folder in your installation directory and copy the script there. Next time you start Illustrator the newly copied scripts will appear in the menu File -> Scripts. You can create sub-folders to organize your script in sub-menus.

Direct execution of files is enabled by drag and drop or File -> Scripts -> Other Script... invocation. These are particularly useful on machines where you do not have full control of the system or your running scripts as a one of measure. This method can also be useful if you want to develop scripts in a centralized location without having to place files awkwardly in a settings folder.
