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blopex / HypreTestingFrost


How to test BLOPEX under Beta version of Hypre on Frost (IBM). Hypre does not support complex arithematic, so this test is only for double precision arithematic.

Setup Hypre

Follow the instructions in wiki HypreTestingIBM.

Compile Tests

Follow the instructions in wiki HypreTestingIBM.

Execution of Tests

Frost executes mpi jobs under the cobalt batch system. Jobs are submitted via command cqsub.

For example to submist struct from the change to the .../src/test subdirectory and issue command:

cqsub -n 64 -t 00:10:00 -q debug ./struct ...etc...

A batch job number is returned (say 894111). Output is returned to current directory. Output consists of 894111.cobaltlog, 894111.error, and 894111.output

See for details.

Test Results

The tests were executed on UCAR Frost system in May 2010. This is an Linux operating system and the IBM blrts_xlc compiler was used.


cqsub -n 64 -t 00:10:00 -q debug ./struct -solver 10 -n 64 64 64 -P 4 4 4 -lobpcg -pcgitr 0

The eigenvalues computed are

Eigenvalue lambda       Residual              
  4.48279981675279e-04    2.41823048611788e-07

BLOPEX execution times

6 iterations
Solve phase times:
PCG Solve:
  wall clock time = 25.100000 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 25.100000 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000

IJ test

cqsub -n 10 -t 00:30:00 -q debug ./ij -lobpcg -n 50 50 50 -pcgitr 0 -vrand 96 -seed 1

The first few eigenvalues computed are

Eigenvalue lambda       Residual              
  1.13800275777358e-02    4.89532463161163e-09
  2.27456657079501e-02    6.19605677420893e-09
  2.27456657079516e-02    4.26731646682549e-09
  2.27456657079588e-02    4.63123119826148e-09
  3.41113038381629e-02    3.50846601499871e-09
  3.41113038381685e-02    3.59604071613089e-09
  3.41113038381696e-02    1.89213926232985e-09
  4.16404856840148e-02    8.53613292028870e-09
  4.16404856840189e-02    7.37519801165653e-09
  4.16404856840242e-02    1.00515923147608e-09
  4.54769419683858e-02    2.45846450351339e-09
  5.30061238142303e-02    6.15069444321083e-09
  5.30061238142345e-02    7.67982579864841e-09
  5.30061238142364e-02    8.83081502735603e-09
  5.30061238142372e-02    8.57699413710310e-09
  5.30061238142379e-02    8.36257610180726e-09

BLOPEX execution times

  100 iterations
Solve phase times:
  wall clock time = 1532.010000 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 1532.010000 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000
