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blopex / PetscTestingLinux


How to test BLOPEX under version 3.1-p3 or above of Petsc on Linux (including 64bit integers and/or complex).

Setup Petsc

Remove all existing versions of petsc and BLOPEX before starting a new configure. Make sure that you download Petsc 3.1-p3 or above

Download, which excludes documentation and is a lot smaller distribution tar.

We assume you are in your home directory, $HOME at this point.

To unpack Petsc files issue command:

>> tar -zxvf petsc-lite-3.1.tar.gz
This creates a directory, e.g., petsc-3.1-p3. Rename it, if you plan to test different combinations, e.g., to petsc-3.1-p3-int64-complex

Change directory to it, e.g.,

>> cd petsc-3.1-p3

The PETSC_DIR environment variable must be setup:

>> export PETSC_DIR=$PWD
Another environment variable, PETSC_ARCH, is not needed here.

If you test different combinations of configuration at the same time, do it in separate terminal windows, and setup PETSC_DIR in every window separately as needed for different directories.

This test configures Petsc for both complex and 64bit:

>> ./config/ --with-shared --with-debugging=1 --with-scalar-type=complex --download-blopex=1 --with-64-bit-indices

In petsc-3.1-p3 and above, --download-blopex=1 will downloaded BLOPEX from a Petsc internet site, which is version 1.1 of Blopex with complex or 64bit support.

Petsc runs with either double or complex objects but not both. To test the blopex routines for real (the default) configure Petsc without the option --with-scalar-type=complex.

After configuration is finished and the environment variables are setup issue the command

>> make all test

You may need to start an MPI daemon prior to this. E.g., in Fedora 12 and mpich2:

>> module load mpich2-x86_64
>> mpd&

Compile blopex_petsc drivers

Now create executables for every of 4 BLOPEX drivers in PETSc:

>> cd src/contrib/blopex/driver
>> make driver
>> cd ../driver_diag
>> make driver_diag
>> cd ../driver_fiedler
>> make driver_fiedler
>> cd ../driver_fortran
>> make ex2f_blopex

Execution of Tests

There are 4 test drivers located in subdirectories of blopex_petsc: driver, driver_diag, driver_fiedler and driver_fortran.

Driver "driver"

driver builds a 7pt laplacian for solution and calls either lobpcg_solve_complex if Petsc is configured for complex (this is controlled by the PETSC_USE_COMPLEX preprocessor variable) or lobpcg_solve_double if Petsc is configured for real (double).

To execute driver:

>> mpirun -np 2 ./driver -n_eigs 3 -itr 20 
>> ./driver -n_eigs 3 -itr 20

This gives the following results (actual numbers may vary!):

Partitioning: 1 1 1
Preconditioner setup, seconds: 0.000369

Solving standard eigenvalue problem with preconditioning

block size 10

No constraints

Initial Max. Residual   2.41101765193731e+00
Iteration 1     bsize 10        maxres   1.47485155706695e+00
Iteration 2     bsize 10        maxres   5.76499070872537e-01
Iteration 3     bsize 10        maxres   3.06659255730571e-01
Iteration 4     bsize 10        maxres   2.00635934430889e-01
Iteration 5     bsize 10        maxres   6.38690964763992e-02
Iteration 6     bsize 10        maxres   2.04031509081778e-02
Iteration 7     bsize 10        maxres   1.02958167235834e-02
Iteration 8     bsize 9         maxres   3.57149267532509e-03
Iteration 9     bsize 8         maxres   1.13980591096821e-03
Iteration 10    bsize 6         maxres   4.15729900972210e-04
Iteration 11    bsize 6         maxres   1.64977271895793e-04
Iteration 12    bsize 5         maxres   5.68823837427636e-05
Iteration 13    bsize 3         maxres   2.12576562467706e-05
Iteration 14    bsize 3         maxres   7.60612793341467e-06
Iteration 15    bsize 3         maxres   3.27324391450688e-06
Iteration 16    bsize 2         maxres   1.73049728975516e-06
Iteration 17    bsize 1         maxres   9.63758146551376e-07

Eigenvalue lambda       Residual              
  2.43042158313016e-01    7.85460552428888e-08
  4.79521039879645e-01    5.38143072677682e-07
  4.79521039879654e-01    4.18818869908062e-07
  4.79521039879684e-01    4.23232402359408e-07
  7.15999921446316e-01    8.92081907089266e-07
  7.15999921446375e-01    7.47752020201913e-07
  7.15999921446505e-01    8.79103766081576e-07
  8.52306637651430e-01    6.91831240708695e-07
  8.52306637651604e-01    5.47008725220135e-07
  8.52306637652249e-01    9.63758146551376e-07

17 iterations
Solution process, seconds: 2.897029e-01

If PETSc was compiled with the --download-hypre=1 option (this only works without using --with-64-bit-indices or --with-scalar-type=complex since hypre does not support any of these options), one can run the driver using hypre preconditioner, e.g.

./driver -ksp_type preonly -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type boomeramg 

Partitioning: 1 1 1
Preconditioner setup, seconds: 0.006566

Solving standard eigenvalue problem with preconditioning

block size 1

No constraints

Initial Max. Residual   2.39770129154100e+00
Iteration 1     bsize 1     maxres   1.24191384284174e+00
Iteration 2     bsize 1     maxres   1.44195944071613e-01
Iteration 3     bsize 1     maxres   3.16282446481776e-02
Iteration 4     bsize 1     maxres   6.92778009970852e-03
Iteration 5     bsize 1     maxres   1.09875006356576e-03
Iteration 6     bsize 1     maxres   1.17458938039469e-04
Iteration 7     bsize 1     maxres   1.06516470504257e-05
Iteration 8     bsize 1     maxres   1.34756419128339e-06
Iteration 9     bsize 1     maxres   3.10899995292549e-07
Iteration 10    bsize 1     maxres   6.06378675481750e-08
Iteration 11    bsize 1     maxres   4.27013783896497e-09

Eigenvalue lambda       Residual              
  2.43042158313016e-01    4.27013783896497e-09

11 iterations
Solution process, seconds: 1.088190e-02

Driver "driver_diag"

driver_diag solves ann eigenvalue problem for a diagonal matrix.


A typical run example:

>> mpirun -np 2 ./driver_diag
Preconditioner setup, seconds: 0.000669

Solving standard eigenvalue problem with preconditioning

block size 1

1 constraint

Initial Max. Residual   2.97427246688596e+01

Eigenvalue lambda       Residual              
  4.89206836167546e+01    2.97427246688596e+01

0 iterations
Solution process, seconds: 2.892017e-03
Final eigenvalues:

Driver "driver_fiedler"

driver_fiedler accepts as input matrices in Petsc format. These matrices must be setup for either 32bit or 64bit arithematic, ral or complex. The test matrices are setup for double (real) or complex and for 32bit or 64bit. The 64bit version have a file name containing "64"`. All our matrices for testing can be downloaded from

For example:

>> ./driver_fiedler -matrix DL-matrix-complex_64.petsc -n_eigs 3 -itr 200

This gives the following results:

Preconditioner setup, seconds: 0.002955

Solving standard eigenvalue problem with preconditioning

block size 3

1 constraint

Initial Max. Residual   9.29703885936090e-01
Iteration 1     bsize 3         maxres   8.08364838024446e-03
Iteration 2     bsize 3         maxres   3.54278978281592e-03
Iteration 3     bsize 3         maxres   5.26702389967756e-04
Iteration 4     bsize 3         maxres   3.87008818770373e-04
Iteration 197   bsize 3         maxres   3.34025396810235e-06
Iteration 198   bsize 3         maxres   3.35960348089173e-06
Iteration 199   bsize 3         maxres   3.39105815089645e-06
Iteration 200   bsize 3         maxres   3.38848721913166e-06

Eigenvalue lambda       Residual              
  4.01462700990605e-05    3.38848721913166e-06
  4.01893266524972e-05    2.96381572768123e-06
  4.02216637895209e-05    3.25730371476605e-06

200 iterations
Solution process, seconds: 2.747978e+00

The option -matrix specifies the matrix to solve. The initial eigenvectors are generated randomly.

The matrix file is in a Petsc format. These can be setup via some Matlab programs in the PETSc socket interface to Matlab; PetscBinaryRead.m and PetscBinaryWrite.m. These programs read and write Matlab matrices and vectors to files formated for Petsc. The version from Petsc only supports double. We have modified these programs to also support complex and 64bit integers. Our versions are included in the .../blopex_petsc directory along with PetscWriteReadExample.m to illustrate how to use them.

The complex files are L-matrix-complex_64.petsc (65536x65536 diagonal values 0-4) and DL-matrix-complex_64.petsc (65536x65536 tridiagonal values 0-4).

The complex files are complex versions of the L and DL double matrices (with imag part zero) plus test_complex1_64.petsc (40x40 134 nz hpd random), test_complex2_64.petsc (1000x1000 50786 nz hpd random) and test_complex3_64 (10876 nz hpd random).

Driver_fiedler accepts as input matrices in Petsc format.

For example:

>> ./driver_fiedler -matrix DL-matrix-complex.petsc -n_eigs 3 -itr 20
The option -matrix specifies the matrix to solve. The initial eigenvectors are generated randomly.

The matrix file is in a Petsc format. These can be setup via some Matlab programs in the PETSc socket interface to Matlab; PetscBinaryRead.m and PetscBinaryWrite.m. These programs read and write Matlab matrices and vectors to files formated for Petsc. The version from Petsc only supports double. We have modified these programs to also support complex. The complex versions are included in the .../blopex_petsc directory along with PetscWriteReadExample.m to illustrate how to use them.

The double files are L-matrix-double.petsc (65536x65536 diagonal values 0-4) and DL-matrix-double.petsc (65536x65536 tridiagonal values 0-4).

The complex files are complex versions of the L and DL double matrices (with imag part zero) plus test_complex1.petsc (40x40 134 nz hpd random), test_complex2.petsc (1000x1000 50786 nz hpd random) and test_complex3 (10876 nz hpd random).

If PETSc was compiled with the --download-hypre=1 option (this only works without using --with-64-bit-indices or --with-scalar-type=complex since hypre does not support any of these options), one can run the driver_fiedler using hypre preconditioner, e.g.

>> ./driver_fiedler -matrix DL-matrix-double.petsc -ksp_type preonly -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type boomeramg 

In this case, the matrix itself, DL-matrix-double.petsc, is used by hypre to construct a boomeramg preconditioner. Since the matrix is singular, which hypre does not support, the results may be unpredictable.

Driver "driver_fortran"

The directory driver_fortran contains a driver, which is actually called "ex2f_blopex". This is a modified version of the Fortran example ex2f.F from the PETSc source distribution (Version 2.3.3-p4) that illustrates a way of using BLOPEX with PETSc from Fortran. A typical run:

>> ./ex2f_blopex 
BLOPEX complete in  12 iterations
eval   1 is 0.205227064E-01 residual 0.1767E-07
eval   2 is 0.512014707E-01 residual 0.4739E-07
eval   3 is 0.512014707E-01 residual 0.2178E-06
eval   4 is 0.818802350E-01 residual 0.8697E-06
eval   5 is 0.101982840E+00 residual 0.4592E-06

This driver DOES NOT WORK in complex AND 64-bit integers. DOES it work with complex OR 64-bit integers? Do we want to update it so that it always works?
